Change Log

All updates related to InfiniteWP will be released in waves. If you haven't got your update yet, it is on the way. Please wait until two weeks from the release date of the client plugin / admin panel / addons to get your update.


  • Improvement: Added Curl installation check during admin panel initial load.
  • Fix: IWP curl verbose is not displaying correctly.
  • Fix: Ajax API error during page load (v3 only)
  • Fix: For certain users, the cloning process throws a fatal error if the table column has reserved keywords.
  • Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0”
  • Fix: “Assign to managers” does not work in the V3 admin panel interface.
  • Improvement: Added Curl installation check during admin panel initial load.
  • Fix: “Assign to managers” does not work in the V3 admin panel interface.
  • Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0”
  • Fix: For certain users, the cloning process throws a fatal error if the table column has reserved keywords.
  • Fix: IWP curl verbose is not displaying correctly.
  • Feature: SFTP support for multicall method backups.
  • Improvement: Show Ajax error messages as a notification.
  • Improvement: Force clear cache by default in reload data params.
  • Improvement: Added a new check for PHP write permission for the InfiniteWP root folder
  • Improvement: Server PHP_SAPI data fetched in the server info call.
  • Improvement: The restore process will now run on a multicall basis.
  • Improvement: PHPSecure library updated
  • Improvement: The backup limit field type changed from TEXT to NUMBER.
  • Fix: After clicking the “re-add site” button, it remained enabled instead of getting disabled.
  • Fix: Update disappears in the updates page after performing reload data if user ID 1 is not available.
  • Fix: Openssl verification issue in the red hat server.
  • Fix: Backup keeps running if triggerBackupDownlaod call gets timeout.
  • Fix: MySQL Fatal error for certain users while creating the staging site on the same server.
  • Fix: Restore throws fatal error in PHP 8.3
  • Fix: Copy Staging to live throws a fatal error if the root folder contains any non-permission folder.
  • Fix: Update mail was not sent for the newly installed admin panel.
  • Fix: Manual user agent settings were not getting saved.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: extract(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, bool given in phpseclib/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php:1429
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: extract(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, bool given in
  • Fix: PHP 8.3 warnings and fatal errors.
  • Fix: HTTP Error 202: Accepted – The request is accepted for processing, but the processing is not complete.
  • Fix: Issue in FTP host password when it has non-UTF characters.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strip_tags(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given in /controllers/manageClientsBackup.php:405
  • Fix: The Update in Staging site option was not working.
  • Fix: Error while running Client Report – Manual SQL Error: [1227] Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation
  • Feature: SFTP support for multicall method backups.
  • Improvement: Write New Post will be opened in a new tab.
  • Improvement: Added a new check for PHP write permission for the InfiniteWP root folder.
  • Improvement: Server PHP_SAPI data fetched in the server info call.
  • Improvement: The restore process will now run on a multicall basis.
  • Improvement: PHPSecure library updated.
  • Improvement: The backup limit field type changed from TEXT to NUMBER.
  • Fix: Openssl verification issue in the red hat server
  • Fix: Backup keeps running if triggerBackupDownlaod call gets timeout
  • Fix: Error while running Client Report – Manual SQL Error: [1227] Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation.
  • Fix: The Update in Staging site option was not working.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strip_tags(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given in /controllers/manageClientsBackup.php:405
  • Fix: Issue in FTP host password when it has non-UTF characters.
  • Fix: HTTP Error 202: Accepted – The request is accepted for processing, but the processing is not complete.
  • Fix: PHP 8.3 warnings and fatal errors.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: extract(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, bool given in phpseclib/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php:1429
  • Fix: Manual user agent settings were not getting saved.
  • Fix: Update mail was not sent for the newly installed admin panel.
  • Fix: Copy Staging to live throws a fatal error if the root folder contains any non-permission folder.
  • Fix: Restore throws fatal error in PHP 8.3.
  • Fix: MySQL Fatal error for certain users while creating the staging site on the same server.
  • Improvement: Change log last updated will show like WordPress instead of timestamp.
  • Improvement: Plugin URL added in the change log.
  • Improvement: The change log will have additional information.
  • Fix: Popup notifications are not working in v3 in PHP 8.2
  • Fix: App -> Reload data on page load option unclickable.
  • Fix: Google addons results do not reflect while performing single site reload data.
  • Fix: The incorrect backup method is shown in the schedule backup list.
  • Fix: Mange->Plugin and themes ->Inactive themes showing duplicate entries while selecting.
  • Fix: Reload data button UI miss alignment for new v3 users.
  • Improvement: Client report task filter added in the activity log.
  • Improvement: Client report tasks will have the schedule report name on the process/activity log.
  • Improvement: Disable SSL verification options added in the Email settings.
  • Improvement: PHP Mailer and SMTP library updated.
  • Improvement: New option to change the curl user agent for the panel.
  • Improvement: Improved backup failure help texts.
  • Improvement: History_raw_table auto-delete will run on cron.
  • Fix: Installing themes from the favorite option not completed in the process queue for PHP 8.
  • Fix: Groups with no sites are not shown in the groups list.
  • Fix: The file uploader will not work if the IWP admin panel installed server does not support tmpfile().
  • Fix: Staging/cloning produces a PHP 8 warning as a response on certain situations.
  • Fix: Encrypted DB backup restore gives an error in the PHP 8 server.
  • Fix: The multicall backup method automatically changes to a single call in the backup schedules for certain users.
  • Fix: Error while downloading the zip file HTTP error: 0. in Install clone and staging process.
  • Fix: Newly created groups are not shown immediately in v2. The Groups are shown after refreshing the admin panel.
  • Fix: Common connection settings for Install Clone and Staging.
  • Fix: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci unknown collation error in Install Clone and Staging.
  • Fix: Reload data stuck on the queue, causing problems with other admin panel tasks.
  • Fix: Parse syntax error shown in the IWP admin panel installed on servers with PHP version 5.6 or lesser.
  • Fix: Issue installing a plugin/theme by uploading the zip file via My Computer.
  • Fix: Initial logs are truncated on the clone log file.
  • Fix: Reload data stuck on the queue, causing problems with other admin panel tasks.
  • Fix: Parse syntax error shown in the IWP admin panel installed on servers with PHP version 5.6 or lesser.
  • Fix: Issue installing a plugin/theme by uploading the zip file via My Computer.
  • Fix: Initial logs are truncated on the clone log file.
  • Fix: Group names are changed to “Undefined” on some scenarios.
  • Feature: Added compatibility to show premium plugin change log links.
  • Improvement: By default, the InfiniteWP admin panel will automatically perform reload data via cronjob every morning at 10, which fetches the latest updates.
  • Improvement: By default, the FTP path will be filled in site FTP details to prevent users from entering/saving the staging FTP details.
  • Improvement: Site name added in edit and server info details.
  • Fix: In cloning, if the user is already present, the new password given will not change.
  • Fix: The staging and cloning process is not complete and it keeps running even if fatal errors occur or HTML responses are received.
  • Fix: There were issues with the deduction of Litespeed on some of the servers.
  • Fix: If a database error occurs during the cloning or staging process, the log link does not appear.
  • Fix: File tree not accepting passive option.
  • Fix: If the call option value is empty in the iwp_sites table, the advanced option UI in the edit site details will appear empty.
  • Fix: If a user is added as a manager for a single group, they should have access only to that group’s sites. Instead, they can now view all the other group names.
  • Fix: On a few occasions, the Updates page not scrolling while using the mouse on Windows.
  • Fix: Addons unzip temp folder path removed in Ajax call to fix ModSecurity.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given in bridge.php:419
  • Fix: ERR: errno:8192 (unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type string is deprecated) includes/app.php, line:155.
  • Fix: Manual backup list sorted by time in a descending order.
  • Improvement: By default, the InfiniteWP admin panel will automatically perform reload data via cronjob every morning at 10, which fetches the latest updates.
  • Fix: The staging and cloning process is not complete and it keeps running even if fatal errors occur or HTML responses are received.
  • Fix: There were issues with the deduction of Litespeed on some of the servers.
  • Fix: The changelog links (/developers ) to plugin pages were not working.
  • Fix: In cloning, if the user is already present, the new password given will not change.
  • Fix: If a database error occurs during the cloning or staging process, the log link does not appear.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given in bridge.php:419
  • Fix: Manage -> Plugins & Themes -> All sites -> Wordfence (f.i.) shows a list with the heading VERSION PLUGINS, which in fact, shows VERSION SITE/INSTALLATION
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: fwrite(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in fileSystem.php:3329 Stack trace: #0
  • Fix: ERR: errno:8192 (unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type string is deprecated) includes/app.php, line:155.
  • Fix: Several PHP8 warnings and Fatal errors were fixed.
  • Improvement: Clone log file name will create dynamically.
  • Improvement: Restore and download log combined into one file.
  • Fix: Added validation for secure MySQL query
  • Improvement: Clone log file name will create dynamically.
  • Improvement: Restore and download log combined into one file
  • Fix: Added validation for secure MySQL query
  • Feature: Maintenance mode filter added to filter Maintenance mode sites in the left sidebar.
  • Feature: Disconnected sites mode filter added to filter Disconnected sites in the left sidebar.
  • Feature: Added an option to filter the running tasks in the activity log.
  • Feature: Now open admin can be performed from the plugin and themes list individual items view.
  • Improvement: Each group has sites count in the left sidebar and Reload data dropdown.
  • Improvement: Added Updates count in the dropdown on the updates page.
  • Improvement: Show FROM and TO versions for site/theme updates on the process queue/activity log.
  • Improvement: LiteSpeed server detection for InfiniteWP admin panel.
  • Improvement: Your admin panel will provide suggestions for site sites installed on LiteSpeed servers while selecting the Phoenix backup method.
  • Improvement: Add notes to the SFTP key file field to educate the user.
  • Improvement: All dropdown options in the navbar will close automatically if we click outside the panel.
  • Improvement: Updates task UI in the activity log improved.
  • Fix: Group selection in the site lists was not working as intended.
  • Fix: The update notification email is not sent when updatesNotificationMailLastSent == NULL.
  • Fix: v3 in expired state activate button not going to my account page.
  • Fix: PHP 8 related errors.
  • Feature: Added an option to filter the running tasks in the activity log.
  • Improvement: Show FROM and TO versions for site/theme updates on the process queue/activity log.
  • Improvement: LiteSpeed server detection for InfiniteWP admin panel.
  • Improvement: Your admin panel will provide suggestions for site sites installed on LiteSpeed servers while selecting the Phoenix backup method.
  • Fix: The update notification email is not sent when updatesNotificationMailLastSent == NULL.
  • Fix: PHP 8-related errors.
  • Improvement: Added time in UI while expanding of process queue.
  • Improvement: The process queue will close anywhere when clicking next to the popup window. 
  • Fix: v3 activity log not displaying running task.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int in controllers/panelRequestManagerV3.php.
  • Fix: Bulk task kill not working in activity log.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occured: Uncaught ValueError: fread(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 in restore.php:986.
  • Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: fread(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 in/lib/pclzip.php:4213.
  • Improvement: The staging process enables the “Discourage search engines from indexing this site.
  • Improvement: A new constant introduced for add site using md5 hash.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occured: Uncaught ValueError: fread(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 in restore.php:986.
  • Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: fread(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 in/lib/pclzip.php:4213.
  • Improvement: Removed additional status data from the panel instead of addons.
  • Improvement: Now History tables are being trimmed via cron.
  • Improvement: Curl verbose will show the iwp-clone-log.txt file to find unknown curl errors.
  • Improvement: Staging Site different colour theme ( wp-admin page).
  • Improvement: The clone function replaces the “html_type” option in the wp_options table from “text/html” to “text/html/wordpress”.
  • Fix: UI issue in sidebar hide toggle button.
  • Fix: Huge vulnerability image showing in an outlook email client.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occured: syntax error, unexpected ‘class’ (T_CLASS) in /home/public_html/clone_controller/db.php on line 818.
  • Fix: HTTPS to HTTP Staging to live site also changing to HTTPS instead of HTTP
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occurred: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function php_uname() .
  • Fix: Incorrect clone results in .htacces on random occasions.
  • Fix: Add site request now will send cache URL.
  • Improvement: Now, History tables are trimmed via cron.
  • Improvement: Curl verbose is now included to the iwp-clone-log.txt file to find unknown curl errors.
  • Improvement: Staging Sites wp-admin page will have a different colour theme.
  • Improvement: The clone function replaces the “html_type” option in the wp_options table from “text/html” to “text/html/wordpress”.
  • Fix: Incorrect clone results in .htacces on random occasions.
  • Fix: When installing a plugin, if the filename contains a bracket like plugin-name(1).zip, the plugin never finishes uploading.
  • Fix: UI alignment issue in the process queue while performing translation updates.
  • Fix: The vulnerability icon is misaligned in the Outlook email client.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occurred: syntax error, unexpected ‘class’ (T_CLASS) in /home/public_html/clone_controller/db.php on line 818.
  • Fix: HTTP to HTTP staging to live site URL also changing to HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occurred: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function php_uname().
  • Fix: Add site request now will send cache URL.
  • Fix: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/templates/updates/sitesView.tpl.php on line 199 error.
  • Improvement: Varied the intensity of update counts on the updates page.
  • Improvement: V3 group UI improved.
  • Fix: Phoenix backup log link not showing in the activity log.
  • Fix: Auto delete log setting not working in the v3 admin panel.
  • Fix: Issues with the v3 admin panel login session management.
  • Fix: Few PHP 8.0 fatal errors and warnings are fixed.
  • Fix: Add Note and Add link option not working in PHP 8.0
  • Fix: Addons are not installed in the admin panel on servers with PHP Version 8.0.20
  • Fix: Default Favicons shown on the update all confirmation modal box in the V3 admin panel.
  • Improvement: Font Awesome’s Webfont and CSS assets are now directly loaded from the panel instead of CDN.
  • Fix: Few PHP 8.0 fatal errors and warnings are fixed.
  • Fix: If a domain name starts with ‘w’, it is removed from the Default FROM mail address under the Email Settings page.
  • Fix: Admin login user duplicated while using the existing to existing site without FTP option.
  • Fix: Add Note and Add link option not working in PHP 8.0.
  • Improvement: Addon update.
  • Improvement: Addon update.
  • Improvement: Addon improved
  • Improvement: Addon improved
  • Improvement: Amazon library updated.
  • Improvement: Site IP will be check and updated on every reload data.
  • Improvement: vue-notification, vue-simple-spinner package updated to the latest versions.
  • Fix: Required parameter $view follows optional parameter $args file \htdocs\iwp\controllers\manageUpdates.php warning issue fixed on PHP8 servers.
  • Fix: Error in query (1064): Syntax error near ‘offset ) It happens on some random servers. (improved our bridge->db.php prepareQ function)
  • Fix: Add site and re-add site not working on Windows Server with PHP8 and by using openssl method.
  • Fix: Failed to extract backup file (Missing archive file ‘/wp-content/infinitewp/backups/ error while restoring the backups on sites with wp-config.php located outside the WP directory.
  • Fix: Cloning on the Destination site with prefix wp_ overwrites the data incorrectly on the other site tables on the same database.
  • Fix: SFTP test connection throws fatal error on admin panel installed on a server with PHP8.
  • Fix: Client plugin update option not shown in the activity log.
  • Fix: Reload icon issue fixed
  • Improvement: Amazon library updated.
  • Fix: SFTP test connection throws fatal error on admin panel installed on a server with PHP8.
  • Fix: Site IP will be check and updated on every reload data.
  • Fix: Cloning on the Destination site with prefix wp_ overwrites the data incorrectly on the other site tables on the same database.
  • Fix: Failed to extract backup file (Missing archive file ‘/wp-content/infinitewp/backups/ error while restoring the backups on sites with wp-config.php located outside the WP directory.
  • Fix: Add site and re-add site not working on Windows Server with PHP8 and by using openssl method.
  • Fix: Error in query (1064): Syntax error near ‘offset ) It happens on some random servers. (improved our bridge->db.php prepareQ function)
  • Fix: Required parameter $view follows optional parameter $args file \htdocs\iwp\controllers\manageUpdates.php warning issue fixed on PHP8 servers.
  • Improvement: PHP mailer library updated to the latest version.
  • Fix: Parameters in reverse order to implode have been deprecated since PHP 7.4.
  • Fix: Array or string offset access with curly braces deprecated in PHP 7.4.
  • Fix: Required parameter $params follows optional parameter $siteIDs PHP8 warning fixed
  • Fix: Existing to Existing and new site, new user email update issue fixed
  • Improvement: PHP mailer library updated to the latest version.
  • Fix: Existing to Existing and new site, new user email update issue fixed.
  • Fix: Required parameter $params follows optional parameter $siteIDs PHP8 warning fixed.
  • Fix: Array or string offset access with curly braces deprecated in PHP 7.4.
  • Fix: Parameters in reverse order to implode have been deprecated since PHP 7.4.
  • Improvement: Modified the error reporting rule to suppress the e_warning errors for PHP8.
  • Improvement: Enabled PHP8 compatibility for Staging, Restore and Install/Clone modules.
  • Improvement: Modified the error reporting rule to suppress the e_warning errors for PHP8.
  • Improvement: Enabled PHP8 compatibility for Staging, Restore and Install/Clone modules.
  • Improvement: Enabled support for new Dropbox OAuth Authentication.
  • Improvement: Enabled support for new Dropbox OAuth Authentication.
  • Fix: Syntax error on rare cases fixed.
  • Fix: Syntax error on rare cases fixed.
  • Improvement: Add site retry mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Updates stuck in the process queue in certain scenarios.
  • Improvement: Recent user logged in time not updating in panel.
  • Improvement: Cron status check introduced in debug.php.
  • Improvement: Easycron mechanism improved.
  • Fix: Schedule backup task scheduler operation disables task cron.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function appErrorHandler() .
  • Fix: PHP Warning: ftp_close(): SSL_read on shutdown: Connection reset by peer.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occured: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “_dupx_array_rtrim_iwp” in /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/clone_controller/bridge.php:1610
  • Fix: Panel header design collapsed if login email contains more number of characters (v2 only).
  • Improvement: Add site retry mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Updates stuck in the process queue in certain scenarios.
  • Improvement: Recent user logged in time not updating in panel.
  • Improvement: Cron status check introduced in debug.php.
  • Fix: Schedule backup task scheduler operation disables task cron.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function appErrorHandler() .
  • Fix: PHP Warning: ftp_close(): SSL_read on shutdown: Connection reset by peer.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occured: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “_dupx_array_rtrim_iwp” in /var/www/clients/client1/web3/web/clone_controller/bridge.php:1610
  • Improvement: Panel Improvements.
  • Improvement: Panel Improvements.
  • Improvement: Auto deletion of old history_raw_table mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Re-add site mechanism improved for cloning ,staging and restore process.
  • Improvement: Deprecated create_function() usage removed from InfiniteWP panel.
  • Improvement: Site URL detection method improved for sub folder site restore.
  • Improvement: HTTP 507 error message improved.
  • Improvement: Backup HTTP and Curl error retry improved.
  • Fix: Post update request validation incorrectly validated for updates handled by WPTC plugin backup before updates feature.
  • Fix: Non-static method panelRequestManager::onBrowserLoad() should not be called statically
  • Fix: Multipart backup files are merged into one after performing the staging to live operation.
  • Fix: German umlaut characters converted to a random characters after Cloning, Staging and Restore in a certain databases.
  • Fix: Inconsistent URLs replacement while Cloning/Staging a site with www on domain name to a site without www on its domain name.
  • Fix: HTTP error 416 while performing full phoenix backup restore in certain servers.
  • Fix: Restore stuck for the certain user now will show the error message.
  • Fix: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable.
  • Fix: Error: Failed to extract backup file (Unable to create directory ‘C:/xampp1/htdocs/prefix/iwp_db’) During window server site restore.
  • Improvement: Disable state added for reload data button to prevent multiple accident clicks.
  • Improvement: Refresh button added in activity log to fetch the latest log
  • Improvement: Alert icon added to vulnerability updates in the updates page.
  • Improvement: Realtime listing of the updates page.
  • Improvement: Auto deletion of old history_raw_table mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Re-add site mechanism improved for cloning ,staging and restore process.
  • Improvement: Deprecated create_function() usage removed from InfiniteWP panel.
  • Improvement: Site URL detection method improved for sub folder site restore.
  • Improvement: HTTP 507 error message improved.
  • Improvement: Backup HTTP and Curl error retry improved
  • Fix: Mod security rule was blocking the addon installation and update process.
  • Fix: Settings->Staging->Test connection not working if clone addon is not available.
  • Fix: Post update request validation incorrectly validated for updates handled by WPTC plugin backup before updates feature.
  • Fix: Non-static method panelRequestManager::onBrowserLoad() should not be called statically
  • Fix: Multipart backup files are merged into one after performing the staging to live operation.
  • Fix: German umlaut characters converted to a random characters after Cloning, Staging and Restore in a certain databases.
  • Fix: Inconsistent URLs replacement while Cloning/Staging a site with www on domain name to a site without www on its domain name.
  • Fix: HTTP error 416 while performing full phoenix backup restore in certain servers.
  • Fix: Restore stuck for the certain user now will show the error message
  • Fix: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
  • Fix: Error: Failed to extract backup file (Unable to create directory ‘C:/xampp1/htdocs/prefix/iwp_db’) During window server site restore.
  • Improvement: Panel Improvements.
  • Fix: Security Fix.
  • Improvement: Panel improvements.
  • Fix: Security Fix.
  • Improvement: Panel improvements.
  • Improvement: Panel improvements.
  • Improvement: Update mechanism improved in a few unpredictable cases.
  • Fix: Phoenix backup stuck in the process queue if the site faces any network issue during the backup process.
  • Fix: Auto retry updates stuck in the queue in certain scenarios.
  • Fix: Updates are not hidden in the updates page in certain scenarios.
  • Improvement: Update mechanism improved in a few unpredictable cases.
  • Fix: Auto retry updates stuck in the queue in certain scenarios.
  • Fix: Phoenix backup stuck in the process queue if the site faces any network issue during the backup process.
  • Improvement: Litespeed server timeout rule added in the .htaccess file via the bridge file during cloning and staging.
  • Improvement: The robots.txt file is excluded while copying the staging site to live.
  • Improvement: The manual Retry value is added in params3 field.
  • Improvement: get_magic_quotes_gpc() deprecated function removed.
  • Improvement: appErrorHandler improved.
  • Improvement: A popup alert will be shown while closing the Browser tab if any backup or clone or staging task runs in the background.
  • Improvement: Restore via FTP/SFTP implemented.
  • Improvement: Update notification container is only shown in the update page.
  • Improvement: Implemented “event emit” on the manual backups list.
  • Improvement: Single site reload data will now fetch the newly created backup schedules.
  • Improvement: Perform add site while pressing the Enter button .
  • Fix: HTTP 404: Not Found error fixed while restoring a subdirectory WordPress installation.
  • Fix: IWP Client plugin connection error fixed while restoring an old backup and readd site will be performed after the restore process.
  • Fix: Files were not copied during the same server staging (only on local windows setup).
  • Fix: While copying the Staging site to live the live site backups list were cleared.
  • Fix: WordPress core directory gets deleted during the restore or clone process (only backups taken with phoenix method).
  • Fix: Warning undefined constant r – assumed ‘r’ issue fixed
  • Fix: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in warning issue fixed TPLFunctions.php file.
  • Fix: Non-static method should not be called statically warning fixed in few functions.
  • Improvement: Litespeed server timeout rule added in the .htaccess file via the bridge file during cloning and staging.
  • Improvement: The robots.txt file is excluded while copying the staging site to live.
  • Improvement: The manual Retry value is added in params3 field.
  • Improvement: appErrorHandler improved .
  • Fix: HTTP 404: Not Found error fixed while restoring a subdirectory WordPress installation.
  • Fix: IWP Client plugin connection error fixed while restoring an old backup and readd site will be performed after the restore process.
  • Fix: Files were not copied during the same server staging (only on local windows setup)
  • Fix: While copying the Staging site to live the live site backups list were cleared.
  • Fix: WordPress core directory gets deleted during the restore or clone process (only backups taken with phoenix method).
  • Fix: Warning undefined constant r – assumed ‘r’ issue fixed.
  • Fix: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in warning issue fixed TPLFunctions.php file.
  • Fix: get_magic_quotes_gpc() deprecated function removed.
  • Fix: Non-static method should not be called statically warning fixed in few functions
  • Feature: Implemented post updates validation. Now the panel will show missing plugin/themes as a toast notification as well as in the process queue.
  • Improvement: We have improved our debug log to find unpredictable issues.
  • Improvement: Backup files will be deleted immediately in the WP server if any backups to the cloud storage fail.
  • Fix: A few plugin/theme files are missing after updating the plugins/themes in bulk.
  • Fix: On some instances, updates would still present in the updates page, but the process queue will show the updates as completed.
  • Fix: Create/ Edit schedule backup won’t allow users to select multicall and phoenix method if we run v3 cron below 5 mins and v2 cron for more than 5 mins.
  • Fix: Earlier only one reload data call is triggered even we update multiple updates for the same site. Now, for each update one reload data call is sent from the admin panel.
  • Fix: Retry status not waiting to complete instead it triggers the reload data so inconsistent updates in updates page.
  • Fix: Update notification email not sent when updatesNotificationMailLastSent column null in users table.
  • Fix: Vulnerability update count is not updated after removing sites from the admin panel.
  • Fix: Some inconsistencies while expanding the Process queue.
  • Feature: Implemented post updates validation. Now the panel will show missing plugin/themes as a toast notification as well as in the process queue.
  • Improvement: We have improved our debug log to find unpredictable issues.
  • Fix: A few plugin/theme files are missing after updating the plugins/themes in bulk.
  • Fix: On some instances, updates would still present in the updates page, but the process queue will show the updates as completed.
  • Fix: Create/ Edit schedule backup won’t allow users to select multicall and phoenix method if we run v3 cron below 5 mins and v2 cron for more than 5 mins
  • Fix: Earlier only one reload data call is triggered even we update multiple updates for the same site. Now, for each update one reload data call is sent from the admin panel.
  • Fix: Retry status not waiting to complete instead it triggers the reload data so inconsistent updates in updates page.
  • Fix: Backup files will be deleted immediately in the WP server if any backups to the cloud storage fail.
  • Fix: Update notification email not sent when updatesNotificationMailLastSent column null in users table
  • Fix: Addons_v3 table not installed warning shown in the v2 admin panel if version 3 is not installed.
  • Fix: WordPress change log URL updated.
  • Fix: Multiple cron detected notification shown even if only v3 cron is running and the v2 cron is disabled.
  • Improvement: Added a new option to the Add site process. Now, you can add your site using the website IP, which helps curl to call the given IP directly.
  • Improvement: Redirect URLs are automatically stored under Edit site details. (HTTP to HTTPS and non www to www).
  • Improvement: Enabled support for socket connections for clone and staging..
  • Improvement: ​Improved Error messages for failed plugins, themes, translation updates in the process queue, and activity log.
  • Improvement: If any add site tasks fail, the process will be retried automatically by changing the HTTP version, content type, site URL, and WP admin URL.
  • Improvement: Calls sent to the wp-admin URL while choosing the Site URL option during the add site task.
  • Improvement: The disabled site’s presentation is improved in all the site selectors.
  • Improvement: The selected operation/task is highlighted in the process queue.
  • Improvement: Add site folder protection username password autofill disabled.
  • Improvement: Separated Reload data and additional stats calls
  • Improvement: WooCommerce DB data will be updated when you refresh the panel in your browser.
  • Improvement: The IWP admin panel will utilize the FTP credentials stored under Edit Site Details if any updates fail due to permission issues.
  • Improvement: Repositioned the Reload data option in the site hover menu.
  • Improvement: Implemented malware scan option in site hover menu.
  • Improvement: Website IP info added to the site hover menu.
  • Improvement: Disabled all process queue calls while updating the panel and addons.
  • Improvement: Improved Last updated time in the IWP Update Centre.
  • Improvement: Added the delete option for Favorited groups in Manage> Plugins & Themes section.
  • Improvement: Implemented bulk activate plugins for the following addons (Wordfence, iThemes, Sucuri, BrokenLinkChecker) if the plugins are already installed in your sites
  • Improvement: FTP Details module improved in edit site details.
  • Improvement: Implemented an option to Set v3 as your default panel.
  • Improvement: V3 cron compatibility.
  • Improvement: UI improved for the Plugins list in the site hover menu.
  • Fix: After any updates, the admin panel will do a check update to get data for other addons. At that time, the process queue will be sluggish.
  • Fix: The panel will not allow users to install addons if the allotted sites limit is reached.
  • Fix: Instead of showing an error, Updates errors are marked as completed in a few instances.
  • Fix: Incorrect updates count in the dropdown menu.
  • Fix: Forgot password reset link on the addons page goes to the IWP home page.
  • Fix: Group based switch will clear the selection in the updates page.
  • Fix: The close icon was missing on hover reload data.
  • Fix: In the website view, the updates list is not updated after performing the reload data.
  • Fix: Retry options for failed add sites were not working.
  • Fix: Create a group design improved for Firefox browsers.
  • Fix: While performing reload data recent comment count is not shown immediately.
  • Fix: While cloning an existing site to the existing site, the re-add site task is initiated before the completion of the cloning process in some instances.
  • Fix: Group selection dropdown icon misaligned in the firefox browser.
  • Fix: Getting a folder already exists error for network sites,while trying to install plugins using the option “Clink the link to Install and activate” for the the following addons (Wordfence, iThemes, Sucuri, BrokenLinkChecker)
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant r – assumed ‘r’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP
  • Improvement: The IWP admin panel will utilise the FTP credentials stored under Edit Site Details, if any updates fail due to permission issues.
  • Improvement: Improved Error messages for failed plugins, themes, translation updates in the process queue, and activity log.
  • Improvement: Added a new option to the Add site process. Now, you can add your site using the website IP, which helps curl to call the given IP directly.
  • Improvement: If any add site task fails, the process will be retried automatically by changing the HTTP version, content type, site URL, and WP admin URL.
  • Improvement: Website IP info added to the site hover menu.
  • Improvement: Improved Last updated time in the IWP Update Centre.
  • Improvement: Enabled support for socket connections in clone and staging.
  • Improvement: V3 cron compatibility.
  • Improvement: Redirect URLs are automatically stored under Edit site details. (HTTP to HTTPS and non www to www).
  • Fix: Calls sent to the wp-admin URL while choosing the Site URL option during the add site task.
  • Fix: Retry option for failed add sites were not working.
  • Fix: FTP Details are not getting saved while performing add site.
  • Fix: While cloning an existing site to the existing site, the re-add site task is initiated before the completion of the cloning process in some instances.
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant r – assumed ‘r’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP
  • Fix: Updates get stuck in queue for IWP admin panel version and
  • Improvement: Improved CURL VERBOSE details for better debugging.
  • Improvement: Improved Plugins & Themes compatibility between v2 and v3.
  • Fix: The child sites are not added to the admin panel if folder protection is enabled.
  • Fix: For the same server staging, DB details are not fetched properly.
  • Fix: While Cloning an existing site to the existing site with different usernames, produces error.
  • Fix: Settings > Security > AppUpdate. Passive mode FTP test connection not working.
  • Fix: Multiple warnings generated while cloning a site installed on a server with PHP v7.4.
  • Fix: Client Report not generated when the CR addon is only installed on the v3 admin panel.
  • Improvement: Added Empty state illustrations.
  • Improvement: Improved CURL VERBOSE details for better debugging.
  • Improvement: Improved Plugins & Themes compatibility between v2 and v3.
  • Fix: Error messages not cleared while viewing server info.
  • Fix: Multiple warnings generated while cloning a site installed on a server with PHP v7.4.
  • Fix: For the same server staging, DB details are not fetched properly.
  • Fix: Updates get stuck in queue for IWP admin panel version 3.1.8
  • Fix: Updates get stuck in queue for IWP admin panel version
  • Improvement: Added V2 and V3 tags for all tasks in the process queue and activity log to identify from where the tasks are initiated.
  • Improvement: Schedule backups data are removed in the manual backup list.
  • Improvement: All URL’s are encoded to bypass mod sec rule for certain tasks like staging, cloning
  • Improvement: Woocommerce DB update notification added.
  • Improvement: Email setting improved.
  • Improvement: SSH support for Backups, Staging, cloning and Panel Updates implemented.
  • Improvement: Curl verbose options implemented in both activity log and process queue
  • Improvement: Retry all failure task options implemented in both activity log and process queue.
  • Improvement: For child sites, view backups option on the site hover menu will display the Phoenix method backups list.
  • Improvement: Network site will be disabled in a few site selectors.
  • Improvement: Group reload data implemented.
  • Improvement: HTTP is added to the URL by default if we add a link with HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
  • Improvement: SSL and HTTP version options are added in the Add/Edit site dialog boxes.
  • Improvement: Added exclude tables option in manual and schedule backup creation.
  • Fix: Readd site pastes all the info instead of the activation key.
  • Fix: Uploading a plugin from My computer is not working for Plugins & Themes install.
  • Fix: V2 Favourited items are not installing in v3.
  • Fix: Already Favorited item is not marked as the favorite under WP repo for Plugin &Themes install
  • Fix: Entire logs are deleted while selecting a particular date range in the activity log page.
  • Fix: Tool-tip title not showing in the top-bar settings.
  • Fix: A few activity log help links were broken.
  • Fix: Child sites are not added while performing addsite if folder protection is enabled.
  • Fix: errno:2 (array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given) panelRequestManagerV3.php, line:567.
  • Fix: ERR: errno:2 (krsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given) panelRequestManagerV3.php, line:712.
  • Fix: ERR: errno:2 (explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given) panelRequestManager.php, line:3382.
  • Fix: Changing the admin panel email/password is not closing the active session on the v3 admin panel.
  • Fix: When staging site is added, Remove site option was hidden on the hover menu.
  • Improvement: Made a significant change to our update mechanism
  • Fix: pheonixBackupCronDoAction call not running for Phoenix backup
  • Improvement: All sites, plugins, themes will be unchecked on the updates page.
  • Improvement: Filter based selection improved.
  • Improvement: Updates selection will be reset while switching views on the updates page.
  • Improvement: Any failed Restore tasks will be re-tried now.
  • Improvement: Exclude tables not working correctly in manual backups.
  • Improvement: Included an option to Retry all failed tasks in process queue and activity log.
  • Improvement: Added Curl verbose for all failed tasks in process queue and activity log.
  • Improvement: Improved Exclude files and folders section.
  • Fix: While performing an existing clone with FTP, source site URLs are replaced with the destination site URL.
  • Fix: A few files are deleted on WordPress sites after performing updates via the IWP admin panel. (it occurs very rarely)
  • Fix: Login issues for IWP admin panel installed on Pantheon host.
  • Fix: The notification emails are sent at incorrect schedules.
  • Fix: Backups fail with FTP upload ftp_nb_fput() error will be re-tried.
  • Improvement: Added an option to write a new post on the site hover menu.
  • Improvement: Vue Bootstrap library updated to the latest.
  • Improvement: Site selectors in popups are sorted alphabetically.
  • Improvement: Sorted Group names alphabetically on the update page.
  • Improvement: All groups in site selection are sorted alphabetically.
  • Improvement: Added an option (Report Issue) to contact support and logout button on the top bar.
  • Improvement: Child sites are checked by default while adding the parent site to your IWP admin panel.
  • Fix: Favicons for the sites added via the v3 admin panel are not shown in the v2 interface.
  • Fix: User Icons misaligned in the Activity log page.
  • Fix: Plugin and Themes installation will give an error if Folder protection is enabled for the admin panel.
  • Fix: If the plugin name contains html, the update page doesn’t display the correct plugin name.
  • Fix: Admin panel app settings are not saved when the default timezone value is null.
  • Fix: On the site hover menu, plugin names are not visible when the installed plugins list is vast.
  • Improvement: Added support for V3 functionality.
  • Fix: Enterprise users receive update notification mail continuously if they have any disabled admin panel users.
  • Improvement: Implemented a new method to fetch database details for the following operations. Restore, same server staging and existing site cloning.
  • Fix: Failed Backups are not re-tried for a few errors.
  • Fix: Phoenix method backup gets stuck when WP cron is disabled on the WordPress site.
  • Fix: ERR: errno:2 (count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable) file:/home/xxxx/public_html/iwp/controllers/appFunctions.php, line:5550.
  • Fix: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxx/xxxx/www/templates/updates/sitesView.tpl.php on line 175.
  • Fix: Email notifications are sent to disabled Infinitewp users.
  • Improvement: Bootstrap vue Library updated.
  • Improvement: Browser memory usage optimized.
  • Improvement: Lazy Load implemented in the Update page (only on websites view).
  • Improvement: Lazy Load implemented in the left sites list, modal site selector list, and in page site lists.
  • Improvement: Process queue optimized.
  • Improvement: Browser memory leak issue fixed.
  • Improvement: Browser DOM load time reduced on the overall Application.
  • Improvement: Support for new addons.
  • Improvement: Node sass module updated
  • Improvement: Process queue tasks count reduced to 10
  • Improvement: Loading text will be displayed on the top of the screen until the new task is initiated.
  • Improvement: Process queue toast message will show if any task added to the process queue.
  • Fix: Add site button is disabled on Mozilla browsers.
  • Fix: Incorrect updates/sites count on process queue.
  • Fix: Minor UI issues.
  • Fix: Connection methods in Settings doesn’t show saved details.
  • Fix: Backup Error: There is no response processor for this task ()
  • Improvement: Test connection added for the same server and default server staging.
  • Improvement: Staging to live config file identifying process improved.
  • Fix: Child sites not listed after adding the parent site.
  • Fix: Staging to live process without FTP gets stuck in the process queue.
  • Fix: A fatal error is thrown if the bridge file receives invalid params.
  • Fix: Easy cron API throws 302 communication error.
  • Fix: Warning: Illegal string offset ‘ace591117bf404cecb16c947d7b53b09’ in /home/ajongb/domains/ on line 616 Warning: Illegal string offset ‘d65d98a7a75b11459c421c043b915150’ in /home/ajongb/domains/ on line 476.
  • Fix: Backups are not listed if schedule backup addon is not installed/disabled.
  • Improvement: Same server staging DB credentials finding process improved.
  • Fix: Delete staging option was not functional.
  • Fix: Some plugins were throwing a fatal error while restoring the sites.
  • Fix: Checking “Empty Target Folder” deletes the backup files while Cloning the site using the Clone from Zip file option.
  • Fix: “MySQL command execution fails” on IWP DB backup for certain users even though the command function working.
  • Improvement: Web Site view in the update page.
  • Improvement: Left sidebar went v2 format.
  • Improvement: Overall panel design improved (plugins and themes manage groups not changed).
  • Improvement: Create a backup flow improved.
  • Improvement: Site selector improved.
  • Improvement: Create schedule backup flow improved.
  • Improvement: Add site component improved.
  • Improvement: Setting page UI improved.
  • Improvement: Site toggle added.
  • Improvement: Add-ons page UI improved.
  • Improvement: V3 support
  • Fix: Restore and reload data failure for sites installed on sub-folder .
  • Improvement: New constant to modify daily update notification time define(‘CUSTOM_EMAIL_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_TIME’, ’10:00:00′);
  • Fix: Open admin failed if the site .htaccess password contains special characters.
  • Fix: While replacing the Staging site URL’s folder path is duplicated.
  • Fix: Task status not changed to running from pending on random cases.
  • Improvement: The iwp-clone-log.txt file is skipped in staging and staging to live operation.
  • Improvement: View response in process queue and activity log improved.
  • Improvement: Scheduled Backup failed tasks re-try mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Auto delete old log process improved.
  • Improvement: Auto delete raw table moved from initial load to runOffBrowserLoad.
  • Improvement: 777 permission for Clone controller folder is changed to the default permissions.
  • Improvement: Debug Trace added for appErrorLog.txt for better understanding of the issues.
  • Improvement: User.ini and wordfence-waf.php files removed from the default exclusion during the staging process.
  • Improvement: A new option is added in HTTP Version in edit site details and add site.
  • Improvement: Multi-call approach is implemented for Table wise URL replacement for cloning and staging process.
  • Improvement: Same server staging and existing site cloning retry mechanism improved for failed calls.
  • Fix: This task is killed because the website is being waited for backing up in another schedule is fixed
  • Fix: Staging to live without FTP throwing ‘Connection to host failed.’
  • Fix: Favicon libraries updated.
  • Fix: IWP client plugin connection error (only when the site is saved with HTTP protocol) while loading the data for HTTPS sites.
  • Fix: No response processor error on schedule backup is fixed.
  • Fix: MySQL server gone away issue fixed.
  • Fix: A few fatal errors were thrown due to missing plugin files while updating from IWP dashboard. (on rare occasions)
  • Fix: A few warnings caught on appErrorLog.tx file is now fixed.
  • Feature: Feature: Support for Multisite Installations ? Restore Individual Sites.
  • Feature: You can copy your Staging site to Live.
  • Feature: Notifications for WooCommerce DB updates.
  • Feature: You can apply Client Plugin Branding for individual sites.
  • Feature: SSH support for Backups, Staging, cloning and Panel Updates .
  • Feature: You can Encrypt your DB backups using the Phoenix backup method.
  • Feature: Backup InfiniteWP admin panel.
  • Improvement: By default, InfiniteWP History raw table will be truncated automatically for every 90 days.
  • Improvement: Raw history table is saved in gzip format.
  • Improvement: Added an option to add sites to all existing schedules while adding a new site and for existing sites, you can add the schedules under Edit site details.
  • Improvement: Now you can see the backup Schedule name on your Process queue and Activity Log.
  • Improvement: Added an option to exclude Database tables on backup.
  • Improvement: Now, you can select the HTTP version while adding the site or under Edit site details. InfiniteWP admin panel will establish the connection using the specified HTTP version.
  • Improvement: Backup Retry mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Now, All site related calls will go to wp-load.php by default.
  • Improvement: IWP now handles the gzipped format response from WordPress sites.
  • Improvement: CURL Referrer URL added in the header.
  • Improvement: User Agent updated.
  • Improvement: Debug chart added.
  • Improvement: Clone URL replacement mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: File tree error messages improved.
  • Improvement: Last panel updated time will show in the update centre.
  • Improvement: IWP_DISABLE_RAW_TABLE_OPTIMIZE constant introduced, if defined in config.php as true, then OPTIMIZE query will not be run for history tables
  • Improvement: Cpanel auto fill credentials will now try with the full length of cpanel username as a prefix for the Database name and username.
  • Improvement: IWP_AUTO_FILL_PASSWORD_STRENGTH constant introduced to control cpanel auto-fill password length.
  • Improvement: If 2FA email authentication enabled certain users are facing “Your Passcode has been expired” error while trying to login to the admin panel.
  • Fix: Single call backup wrongly retired three times.
  • Fix: Restore process stucks in the process queue for 2.15.0beta3 users.
  • Fix: SQL injection bug is fixed.
  • Improvement: New login page.
  • Improvement: Support for Schedule Backup, Cloud Backup, Duo Security – 2 Factor Authentication, Vulnerability Updates addons.
  • Improvement: Support for premium addons
  • Improvement: IWP now handles the gzipped format response from WordPress sites .
  • Feature: Add site option enabled.
  • Improvement: Reload data button will be disabled immediately after initiating the task.
  • Improvement: Changelog link is added to the updates page.
  • Improvement: Reload data action now respects the site selected on the left sites list.
  • Fix: V2 and V3 clash between the add-ons having schedule option.
  • Fix: InfiniteWP client plugin is not deactivated after removing the site from the admin panel.
  • Fix: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected “installedTime” (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in … … /controllers/appFunctions.php on line 2502 .
  • Fix: On a few scenarios, Plugin files are deleted on WordPress sites while updating the plugin via IWP admin panel .
  • Improvement: A backup is marked as failure only when it is failed for eight consecutive times .
  • Improvement: HTTP/HTTPS validation on Target URL while creating the staging site .
  • Improvement: Multical default limit increased .
  • Improvement: New option to empty the uploads folder on IWP panel. (Only the zip files uploaded while managing your plugins or themes will be deleted) .
  • Fix: Disconnected sites update data displays the error Hurray All Plugins are up-to-date on the updates page .
  • Fix: Backup is retried when it failed with error “Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out. and Could not resolve host:” .
  • Fix: Admin panel is not automatically redirected to HTTPS while entering the HTTP URL in your browser .
  • Fix: While cloning the site using the zip file, the file tree will fetch data from ‘/’ location when you load any saved profile .
  • Fix: Backup stuck in a loop causing problems with other site backups on the schedule .
  • Fix: On a few occasions, the server backup is deleted after the restore .
  • Fix: While cloning a site without PHP permission, an empty config.php file is created .
  • Fix: When encountering HTTP ‘527’ ‘405’ ‘408’ ‘524’ and cURL 18 errors during backup, the process will be retried .
  • Fix: The default view for manager user is fixed. (Only When plugins access is assigned to the IWP manager user) .
  • Fix: When encountering HTTP 524, reload data, updates and manage plugins and themes process will be retried .
  • Improvement: CPanel API upgraded .
  • Improvement: With Phoenix method, IWP admin panel will trigger a cron call if WP cron is disabled on sites by defining the following constant on wp-config.php file define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true) .
  • Improvement: The Phoenix method backup is marked as completed even when the task is killed .
  • Improvement: Restore failed when it is initiated from the hover menu .
  • Improvement: Multisite Cloning and Staging (folder path,subdomain multisite,wp-content_dir,WP-content-URL,wp-temp-dir,domain-current-site,path-current-site,wp-home,wp-siteurl,force-ssl-admin,permalink-structure)
  • Fix: HTTP Error 417: Expectation Failed and HTTP Error 100: Continue – Only a part of the request has been received by the server, but as long as it has not been rejected, the client should continue with the request errors while performing any tasks on admin panel.
  • Fix: Incorrect update count for Theme and Plugin updates under Manage -> Updates.
  • Fix: Hurray All Plugins and Themes are up-to-date message is displayed on the updates page even when updates are present on your sites.
  • Fix: Staging and cloning not using FTP/SFTP as a fall back if PHP user does not have proper write permissions.
  • Fix: Staging website indexed by Google when created on the same server.
  • Fix: URL was replaced two times while cloning/staging on the same server.
  • Fix: Delete staging doesn’t delete the staging site database tables if the number of tables is high.
  • Fix: iwp_backup_status not created while creating the staging site.
  • Fix: Edit site details dialog box doesn’t appear while editing the site details.
  • Improvement: Plugin/Theme Updates will be performed sequentially i.e. One update at a time .
  • Improvement: Backups will be retired for error codes HTTP 524, 523 .
  • Improvement: Clone controller folder permission changed from 777 to the default permission .
  • Improvement: IWP temp directory constant name changed .
  • Improvement: Four Line code will be automatically added to your IWP config file if any backup fails .
  • Improvement: Backups will be re-tried when it fails with cURL 28 and HTTP 524 error .
  • Improvement: Auto cron task is enabled by default for Phoenix method backups
  • Improvement: Added a few more status checks under debug.php .
  • Fix: “Calling Next Function failed – Error while fetching table data” while backing up your sites .
  • Fix: “This task is killed because the website is being waited for backing up in another schedule .”
  • Fix: Incorrect HTTPS Protocol redirects when varnish reverse proxy SSL is used .
  • Fix: Incorrect addon update notification .
  • Fix: HTTP protocol is added to an HTTPS link while adding a new link from your left sites list .
  • Fix: “HTTP 405 method not available” while performing any tasks on your sites .
  • Fix: “IWP client plugin connection error” If your HTTPS site is connected to admin panel with HTTP protocol .
  • Fix: SSL version not retained after saving the changes under edit site details .
  • Fix: Any conflicts with installed plugin and theme function executed while performing the restore operation .
  • Fix: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/example/ on line 748
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant fasle – assumed ‘fasle’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/example/ on line 150
  • Fix: errno:2 (krsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given) file:/home/muchi/public_html/example/iwp/controllers/panelRequestManager.php, line:586.
  • Fix: Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [nohup echo hello world] in home/muchi/public_html/example/iwp/lib/non-blocking-php/src/Command/Runners/Exec.php on line 31
  • Fix: 403 error while updating the client plugin via URL .
  • Fix: Clone fails when you use phoenix backup with /wordpress as the root directory .
  • Fix: Calling Next Function failed error when Shell DB dump backup fails error .
  • Improvement: Support for version 3.0
  • Improvement: Base Panel with Revamped UI .
  • Fix: “Incompatible Archive PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) : Missing archive file” while installing addons .
  • Improvement: New column added to the updates page to see the Translation updates count in the site view .
  • Improvement: If you have added your site FTP details under Edit site details, IWP will make use of those FTP credentials if the update failed due to any permission issue.
  • Improvement: Retry any failed tasks from your Process Queue or Activity Log .
  • Improvement: Added an option to Purge cache for certain cache plugins .
  • Improvement: You do not need to backup your site while doing the same server Staging .
  • Improvement: Show inactive plugins and themes on the left sites list .
  • Improvement: Sorted Schedule backup list alphabetically .
  • Improvement: Title removed from left sites list .
  • Improvement: Create zip without compression and Optimize database tables options are removed in Phoenix backup
  • Fix: Favorite repo Plugins and themes install an older version .
  • Fix: Pagination disappears when “Hurray All Plugins are up-to-date” displayed .
  • Fix: Site URL changed automatically if the domain name is expired .
  • Fix: Delete plugins/themes now use FTP details in the panel .
  • Fix: IWP client plugin update will use FTP details during plugin/theme update .
  • Improvement: Improved documentation for most of the error messages .
  • Improvement: Added Log link to Process Queue/Activity Log for Install/Clone WP .
  • Fix: The iwp_db folder will be deleted once the clone is completed successfully .
  • Fix: Test connection failed for few S3 bucket region – US East (N. Virginia) .
  • Fix: URL to clear stats table is not working .
  • Fix: Files and folders are not excluded while using exclude option with Single and Multicall method on Manual backups .
  • Feature: New backup method introduced named Phoenix.
  • Improvement: Restore process uses FTP details if there are any permission issues.
  • Improvement: Introduced an option to add your site FTP details under Edit site details.
  • Improvement: Multicall method is implemented for Restore process.
  • Improvement: Now you can view the backup log on your panel anytime.
  • Fix: “Error: Download Failed” while updating the panel and installing/updating the addons.
  • Fix: HTTPS redirection will not happen correctly when icontrolwp shield plugin is installed.
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error occured: Cannot redeclare _dupx_array_rtrim() (previously declared in r/bridge.php) is fixed.
  • Fix: “Calling Next Function failed – Error while fetching table data” while backing up your sites.
  • Fix: Clone controller 777 cause the issue on SuPHP, FCGI or PHP-FPM based servers.
  • Fix: Backup will be re-tried when your site throws cURL 35 and cURL 56 error.
  • Fix: Failed to extract backup file (Invalid archive structure) error is thrown while cloning/staging your site.
  • Fix: “Please deactivate & activate InfiniteWP Client plugin on your site, then add the site again” error while adding the site to your panel.
  • Fix: Update failed for sites installed on a WP Engine server.
  • Fix: Reload data failed while connecting the HTTPS site using wp-admin URL on certain cases.
  • Fix: Panel hangs when Ajax call is broken.
  • Fix: If a site is installed on HTTP and its forcefully redirected to load on HTTPS, Reload Data and Add site actions will throw IWP Client Plugin connection.
  • Fix: HTTP 404 error while doing reload data.
  • Fix: Timeout issues in schedule backups.
  • Fix: Enabled an option to Clear stats table via the debug.php file.
  • Fix: Problems in creating staging site on the same server.
  • Fix: Difficulties in establishing staging site when the backup is split into multiple parts.
  • Fix: When using IWP admin panel in mac, You will not be able to scroll the updates page if pagination is enabled.
  • Fix: .htaccess absolute path replacement.
  • Fix: When using Clone from backup zip file option, backup files are deleted when you check “Empty destination folder.”
  • Fix: IWP client plugin connection is broken while using site URL for subsites installed as subdomain in a multisite installation.
  • Improvement: Added an option to select SSL version while adding the site to your admin panel.
  • Improvement: IWP will make use of your site URL instead of wp-admin URL to establish connection with your sites.
  • Fix: Fixed memory exhaust problem while cloning your sites.
  • Fix: JS error occurs in admin panel if FTP details are defined in your IWP config file.
  • Fix: URL’s are not replaced properly while cloning/installing a wordpress installed in a subfolder
  • Fix: Favicons are not fetched properly.
  • Fix: Process queue expand keep triggering ajax call for every click.
  • Fix: strpos empty needle fixed this error in cloning.
  • Fix: Unable to edit the scheduled backup when JS crashed on your admin panel.
  • Fix: MULTICALL_LIMIT_COUNT constant not applied.
  • Fix: Clone will use file system if php user doesn’t have proper permission.
  • Feature: WPTC addon and Google SafeBrowsing Addon launched.
  • Improvement: cURL call triggers subsequent call in queue instead of waiting for AJAX call.
  • Improvement: Data load on process queue has been optimized.
  • Improvement: Overall load time across the Panel has been optimized.
  • Improvement: Manual clear cache is not required after switching from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Improvement: If a process queue call is in progress the subsequent call will not get triggered without receiving a response from previous call.
  • Improvement: SFTP library has been updated across the panel.
  • Improvement: Copy in CronTab has been updated to clipboard.js from flash.
  • Improvement: SSL verification is disabled when downloading the backup via cURL while cloning the site.
  • Improvement: Default file zip split size decreased to 512 MB.
  • Improvement: Backup trigger check curl timeout increased to 180s to avoid empty response error.
  • Improvement: php_uname() function changed into constant.
  • Improvement: Change log URLs updated.
  • Fix: If any task times out in Auto connection method, retry process will not respect IP restriction.
  • Fix: cURL Error(3): malformed error while taking backup or Reload data.
  • Fix: Tasks run by cron are not respawning when the cURL mode is set in Auto connection method.
  • Fix: Auto removal of destination folder is stopped when clone fails.
  • Fix: Multiple error warnings were shown in the older version of IWP admin panel.
  • Fix: Google robot gets displayed intermittently on the IWP panel collapsing the UI.
  • Fix: Connection method does not switch to cURL mode if socket does not work in Auto mode.
  • Fix: cURL mode under Connection method runs only one thread instead of many threads.
  • Fix: Connection method was not working for Socket method on SSL enabled servers.
  • Fix: Expanding the plugin view throws a warning ‘A non-numeric value encountered in /templates/updates/PTTCView.tpl.php on line 214’
  • Feature: Introduced newer connection methods for communication between Admin Panel and Client Plugin.
  • Improvement: JSON communication implementation between Admin Panel and Client plugin has been completed.
  • Improvement: Existing backups are not listed automatically during the clone process.
  • Improvement: DB prefix changes and table insertion will happen in a single call during staging and cloning tasks.
  • Improvement: Exceeding site limitation warning message has been updated.
  • Improvement: The old site folder path will be updated in htaccess, user.ini and wordfence-waf.php to the new path during cloning.
  • Improvement: The WP_CACHE plugins old path will be updated to the new path in config.php
  • Improvement: When encountering HTTP 503 and cURL 6 errors during multicall backup, the process will be retried.
  • Fix: The clone process takes into account the full SQL file as single variable causing memory limit issues.
  • Fix: The clone process would generate the error “Cannot open database file” during cloning.
  • Fix: The clone existing site option will not work for a Manager user if the staging addon is installed.
  • Fix: If a site has both translation and vulnerability updates, updating the site from the Vulnerability view will apply both the updates.
  • Fix: The clone process would generate the error ?Unable to write files to the random directory? during multi-part file cloning.
  • Fix: Renewal price showed wrongly for certain users
  • Improvement: PHPmailer library has been updated.
  • Improvement: user.ini and php.ini files will be excluded during staging.
  • Fix: Choosing a custom content type while Adding a site will not allow you to add the site.
  • Fix: Permalinks would not work for staged sites.
  • Fix: Choosing FTP SSL connection type will not load the target folders during Staging.
  • Fix: Right pagination icon was misaligned on the Updates page.
  • Fix: Nanoscroller for site list would not work while selecting a group.
  • Improvement: Update email notification contains a reference for vulnerability updates in the subject line.
  • Fix: The update for few plugins would not show if few premium plugin updates are hidden
  • Fix: Monthly schedule backup runs every time when the cron runs if you would have rescheduled your existing monthly backups without selecting a date.
  • Fix: Cloning/Staging a site on a same server will duplicate the folder path.
  • Fix: “Update All” was not working for admins created via multi-users addon.
  • Fix: Timestamp under Reload Data was not updating correctly.
  • Fix: Cache issue while opening the wp-admin page via panel using “Open admin in a new tab”.
  • Fix: When logged in as a manager, Groups filter is not applied for Updates Page.
  • Fix: Add / Edit site modal box was not disappearing automatically.
  • Fix: On Activity log, right arrow on pagination is misaligned.
  • Fix: “-d” has been removed from the cron command.
  • Fix: Premium Plugin updates wouldn?t show in Plugins view.
  • Improvement: Alphabetical sorting has been introduced in the Website view of the Updates page.
  • Fix: “Error Processing data” error was showing for few clients while performing Reload Data.
  • Fix: Hidden translation updates were shown in the Website view.
  • Fix: Multiple Hidden core updates for same website were shown in the Websites view.
  • Fix: Multiple Error Warnings were shown in the older versions of the IWP Panel.
  • Fix: When performing a single site Reload Data, the same was not reflecting on the left site list.
  • Fix: Multi-call limit count has been increased and a constant variable has been introduced.
  • Fix: Failed backup and clone tasks (multi-call) retry count has been increased.
  • Fix: Error Processing data while doing reload data for certain users.
  • Fix: JS crash: Horizontal scroll bar across the updates page for certain users
  • Fix: JS crash: Due to recent introduction of pricing plan on panel for certain users
  • Feature: Tiered pricing plans have been introduced.
  • Feature: Site Errors when generated are filtered and shown in a new view.
  • Improvement: JSON communication between Admin Panel and Client plugin has been implemented.
  • Improvement: Pagination has been implemented for the Updates page.
  • Improvement: Load Plugins and Themes view has been improved.
  • Improvement: DB Password strength for Clone/Staging Autofill option via cPanel has been increased.
  • Improvement: Addon suite mini will no longer count the staging site as an individual site.
  • Improvement: Method used to change the URL of a cloned site has been changed.
  • Fix: Lazy loading of favicons used to freeze up the panels with large number of sites.
  • Fix: While fetching favicons “PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on boolean in public_html/includes/favicon.php on line 181” would get populated.
  • Fix: he Clone/Staging Autofill option via cPanel would display the DB prefix incorrectly when the character count exceeds the default limit.
  • Fix: While staging or cloning a site “Could not read status file” error would be populated.
  • Fix: ‘Use Passive’ mode for Staging/Cloning would show incorrectly as selected in UI although it is deselected in DB.
  • Fix: ‘Use Passive’ was not functioning earlier for FTP update of IWP Panel, Staging and Cloning activities.
  • Fix: MySQL error is thrown when a manager selects backup under “Clone an existing site” when the staging addon is assigned to the manager.
  • Fix: Backup created via Install Clone Addon for Clone an Existing Site does not get auto selected on completion when using Multi-call backup method.
  • Fix: Premium themes were not working as designed when cloning a website.
  • Fix: Cannot add foreign key constraint error has been fixed.
  • Fix: Deprecated: Non-static method panelRequestManager::checkDataIsValid() should not be called statically in /home/html/***/***/iwp/controllers/panelRequestManager.php on line 128 error has been fixed.
  • Fix: Scheduled multicall backup would keep running if it is unable to identify the error message thus causing issues with the backups in queue.
  • Fix: Only if three consecutive calls from server to plugin return failure, the backup is deemed failed.
  • Fix: Google robot gets displayed intermittently on the IWP panel collapsing the UI.
  • Fix: Text has been changed from ?Serach? to ?Search?
  • Fix: Command injection prevention has been implemented for Enterprise Users.
  • Fix: Innodb conversion would fail if MySQL version is 5.1.1 or lower.
  • Fix: Failed to restore:Error performing query “/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT = @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; “: Variable ‘character_set_client’ can’t be set to the value of ‘NULL’ error message would show during restore.
  • Fix: Cron running time was not showing earlier on the Settings page.
  • Fix: MyISAM to InnoDB conversion would run endlessly if the MySQL server did not support InnoDB.
  • Fix: Checkbox under Email Setting for ‘Use SMTP to send Email’ was not aligned correctly due to CSS issues.
  • Improvement: Reload only the Sites that you wish to – Group Reloading.
  • Improvement: Edit Site Names as per your convenience on the left Site List.
  • Improvement: UI changes to improve the overall appearance of the IWP Panel using Font Awesome.
  • Improvement: Updating few tables to InnoDB from MyISAM for users signed up before
  • Improvement: Split backup files can now be downloaded from inside the IWP Admin Panel. They had to be downloaded manually earlier.
  • Improvement: If there is a DB crash, the error will be shown to user upon loading the IWP Admin Panel. This was not shown to users earlier.
  • Improvement: Pop-up confirmation for all update actions related to IWP Panel and Addons.
  • Fix: Mod_sec rules would be blocking actions inside the IWP panel on the earlier versions.
  • Fix: Protocol redirect method has been modified to avoid redirect loop issue.
  • Fix: HTTPS value under Security tab would get altered when changes are made in the App tab under the IWP Admin Panel Settings restricting login access for the user.
  • Fix: XSS Javascript injection on the panel
  • Improvement: Compatibility with MySQL Strict mode.
  • Improvement: Default view for Load Themes Search has been changed to Theme View from Website View.
  • Fix: Auto retrying failed tasks like Reload Sites, Load plugins/themes, Install Plugins/Themes, plugins/themes/WP updates was not completing since v2.7.0.
  • Fix: Load Themes Search was not working accurately for Manage Plugins & Themes.
  • Fix: Fallback method was not working during CSS Optimization failure.
  • Fix: When write permission was unavailable for Upload folder a warning was showing while loading the Admin Panel.
  • Fix: Installing a fresh copy of WP was not working while using SFTP credentials.
  • Feature: Activity log for updates and backups to be used in new version of client reporting beta will be saved and retrieved from the WP Admin instead of the IWP Admin Panel, provided the client reporting addon is active.
  • Improvement: Supports 2 new addons Staging and Vulnerability updates.
  • Improvement: The WP Updates page has a new design allowing users to filter updates.
  • Improvement: Support for JS and CSS loading has been optimized.
  • Improvement: When a WP update is performed on the IWP panel, the change will reflect when clicking on updates menu without having to perform a Reload data.
  • Improvement: Bulk selections are now possible under Manage => Plugins & Themes.
  • Improvement: The WP Updates page has an additional filter to show Hidden Updates.
  • Improvement: Only one backup process at a time for a site.
  • Improvement: The left site list now displays the version numbers of plugins and themes when hovering over the plugin or theme on the flyout panel.
  • Improvement: The UI for Process Queue and Activity log loading has been revamped.
  • Improvement: Activity log filter for staging addon.
  • Improvement: Anonymous data for internal usage has been improvised.
  • Improvement: FTP/SFTP file tree now points to the default directory instead of /. Users can now browse the path by entering the value manually.
  • Improvement: Manual backups with no name specified will be displayed as “Manual backup” in the backup listing.
  • Improvement: Priority of download mechanism has now changed – first try curl then fsock. This helps with seamless Panel Updates and Addon Updates.
  • Improvement: Some warning errors are suppressed.
  • Fix: Failed backups with date “01 Jan 1970” were shown in the IWP Panel UI.
  • Fix: The json_encode function was populating a php warning in the earlier version.
  • Fix: DB schema was not normalized between install package and update package.
  • Fix: Update mechanism used to generate SQL errors while updating from v2.4.0 to v2.7.0.
  • Fix: Favicon fetching now checks case insentive HTML.
  • Fix: Favicon storing in unexpected location while running in cron in certain cases.
  • Fix: If the file path is 192 characters or higher, it would throw a Zip error: unable to update the file list while performing multicall backup. (requires IWP Client plugin v1.6.0).
  • Fix: Incomplete data being sent while reporting an issue from inside the IWP Panel.
  • Improvement: Update notification email now shows the from and to versions with the change log linked to source page.
  • Improvement: Scrollbar width increased across the panel for ease of use.
  • Fix: Managers receiving update notification emails for sites not assigned to them(requires Enterprise v1.1.2).
  • Fix: Scrollbar not triggering while showing favorite plugins/themes.
  • Fix: Update process bug fixed.
  • Improvement: Security enhancements to the new installation process.
  • Improvement: Enhanced on-boarding during installation with additional guides.
  • Improvement: Config.php file is auto-created during installation if it does not exist.
  • Improvement: Minor tweaks in the installation UI.
  • Fix: DB validation was getting stuck when credentials are invalid.
  • Fix: The DB credentials for installation now support apostrophe (‘).
  • Feature: Plugin/theme ZIP files can now be uploaded to My Favorites.
  • Feature: Favorite plugins/themes can be grouped.
  • Improvement: Fly-out menu in the left site list now shows site name for better context.
  • Improvement: Login activities are now logged. You can view them from the Account settings.
  • Improvement: Choosing MySQL or MySQLi extention is now automatic. SQL_DRIVER constant has been removed.
  • Improvement: Better SQL injection fix implemented. The old one was creating a lot of problems with special characters.
  • Improvement: 3 consecutive failed login attempts within a specific period will now trigger an email and a in-app notification.
  • Improvement: Redesigned UI, smoother installation workflow for the IWP Panel, contextual validation and a better security set up.
  • Improvement: After successful installation, the /install folder will be deleted automatically.
  • Improvement: If the install folder does not get deleted, users will be notified once in 30 days instead of every login.
  • Improvement: If the installation fails, recommendations for alternative install method will be offered.
  • Improvement: New setup wizard focusses on security (setting HTTPS and IP restrictions) and provides options to send anonymous data to InfiniteWP.
  • Improvement: The cron job needs to be set notification is displayed only when the first site is added to the IWP Panel, provided the Email Notifications are enabled under Settings.
  • Improvement: If the cron job is not set, users will be notified once in 7 days instead of every login.
  • Fix: Favorites plugin/theme search collapse when favorites are selected.
  • Fix: Favorites search clear button (x) overflowed.
  • Fix: Favorites will not accept duplicates.
  • Fix: XSS security vulnerability.
  • Improvement: Compatibility with PHP7.
  • Fix: Client plugin update failure in certain cases – error message not showing.
  • Fix: Favicons broken if [IWP Admin Panel]/uploads directory is not writable. Now shows default image and gives warning notification once in 14 days.
  • Feature: Auto retrying certain failed tasks – Reload Sites, Load plugins/themes, Install Plugins/Themes, plugins/themes/WP updates.
  • Feature: Multiple open admins.
  • Improvement: Backup method improved. Backup process is now more reliable and uses less memory in Multi call method(IWP Client v1.5.0).
  • Improvement: Favicon will be fetched by IWP Admin Panel instead of third party service.
  • Improvement: Support for Cloud Backup addon’s new update.
  • Improvement: Client plugin will support MySQLi by using wpdb class(IWP Client v1.5.0).
  • Improvement: Zip Archive implementation improved which will reduce timeout issues(IWP Client v1.5.0).
  • Improvement: All tables created by client plugin will use default DB engine(IWP Client v1.5.0).
  • Improvement: Addon Suite Mini refund message added as per order date.
  • Improvement: Addon Suite Mini price label and “valid till” message enhanced on addons page as we followed in InfiniteWP website.
  • Fix: IWP Backup DB table now uses WP’s charset (default UTF8). This will solve filename issues with foreign (umlaut) characters(IWP Client v1.5.0).
  • Fix: Temp files not getting deleted while using single call backup in certain cases(IWP Client v1.5.0).
  • Fix: Reset password link was broken.
  • Fix: Support for Cloud backup addon – FTP test connection in passive mode was not working.
  • Fix: Type to Filter sites is not working after coming back from group sites view.
  • Fix: mysql_get_client_info() creating warning error in includes/dbDrivers/mysql.php.
  • Fix: clearUncompletedTask(), checkTriggerStatus() and checkBackupTasks() now called after addons loading. In rare cases, it was removing addons from the panel.
  • Improvement: The list of sites on the left now update their colors dynamically for reload data, client plugin updates and maintenance mode. Dynamic color update feature was not available in the previous versions.
  • Improvement: All password fields are changed from text to masked password with an option to view the password.
  • Improvement: The Settings page now has Help Notes.
  • Improvement: Translation updates added to email notification. An option to exclude it from email notifications is also added.
  • Improvement: DISABLE_2FA constant introduced, if defined in config.php as true, then 2FA authentication will be disabled. This will help admins who are stuck while trying to login because of some technical issues.
  • Improvement: Manage plugins/themes section now displays the version number.
  • Improvement: Copy button added for server cron path.
  • Improvement: “FTP” setting menu changed to “App Update” settings and its settings overhauled.
  • Improvement: Temporary directory and upload directory permission status added in app update setting.
  • Improvement: Direct file system method introduced in app update setting menu. Only the method selected by the user will now be used. Prior to this, the method selected will only be used if direct is not available.
  • Improvement: Option to save FTP credentials from config.php to DB.
  • Improvement: If FTP credentials, FS_METHOD, APP_HTTPS and DISABLE_2FA constants are defined in config.php then those options in UI settings will be disabled with warning message. This helps prevent the confusion of why options set in UI settings not working.
  • Improvement: FTP test connection added for App Update settings.
  • Improvement: Custom json encoding function is added to handle non UTF8 characters for more reliability.
  • Improvement: WordPress plugin/theme changelog link updated with https (to avoid redirections).
  • Improvement: SMTP settings now has form validation.
  • Improvement: Minor settings design tweaked.
  • Improvement: Addon Suite Mini options and UI improved.
  • Improvement: “Some of your translations are no longer up to date” message changed to “Translation updates are available”.
  • Improvement: Anonymous data improved.
  • Fix: FTP was selected for app updates even after the user selects SFTP in UI settings .
  • Fix: Maintenance mode creating
    and HTML breaking issues.
  • Fix: Old version displayed as undefined in updates section (premium plugins & themes) issue.
  • Fix: Issue with hiding Translation updates.
  • Fix: Issue with fsock auto connection is not working when HTTP authentication is enabled.
  • Fix: Maintenance mode displays off even it is on after reload data.
  • Fix: In certain cases site’s connection error is displayed even when the site’s connection issue is fixed in the update section.
  • Fix: Displaying php warning when ini_set() is disabled (especially in config.php).
  • Fix: checkdnsrr() php function creating fatal error in windows system if php version is less than 5.3.0 issue
  • Fix: JS error “ReferenceError: globalMessageFlagForMini is not defined” for certain users.
  • Fix: autoPrintToKeepAlive introduced in v2.5.1 is now removed for ajax call background task which was breaking ajax json response in certain servers.
  • Fix: If check update fails to display error but updates are displayed within 10 seconds when it is clicked again. Solution: Within 10 secs no check update allowed is now limited to automatic check update.
  • Improvement: Translation updates for WP sites supported.
  • Improvement: Site-specific menu => View backups now shows scheduled backups (reqs Schedule backup v1.3.3).
  • Improvement: App mails from address now tries to use if you are using it via proper domain (localhost and IP won’t work). Otherwise first admin email is used as From email as default. You still have options to overwrite these settings. This improves email deliverability.
  • Improvement: New favicon added.
  • Improvement: Support for new feature.
  • Improvement: fastcgi_finish_request() if available will be utilized, improves ajax call polling long time in certain servers.
  • Improvement: Upload size has been changed based on php settings. Default 20MB for below php 5.3.0 or upload size depends on PHP setting for above 5.3.0 (php.ini or .user.ini).
  • Improvement: Settings > FTP now supports passive option that you can turn on or off.
  • Improvement: Steps taken to avoid timeout (due to inactivity) in background tasks.
  • Improvement: Error message improved for cURL errors. We have now added “Please contact host”.
  • Improvement: Improved “Automatically choose the best connection method”.
  • Improvement: Timeout reduced to 30 from default for connecting and in most cases.
  • Improvement: Support articles URL changed.
  • Improvement: HTML5 Placeholder for input used instead of javascript.
  • Improvement: InfiniteWP login caching issue improved.
  • Fix: Panel with http basic auth now works with Easycron.
  • Fix: Connection errors will display for connecting login, check udpates, addon install/updates.
  • Fix: Email servers which have single line character limit restrictions will work well now.
  • Fix: “?IWPRedirect=1” login issue reverted.
  • Fix: Profile dropdown now has scroller.
  • Fix: Report issue unintended data removed.
  • Fix: Nanoscroller not going up after scrolling down in a few cases.
  • Fix: Email contains links with http basic auth removed in ‘reset password’ section.
  • Improvement: DB tables uses InnoDB Engine and prefers charset utf8mb4 over utf8 for new install.
  • Fix: Email contains links with http basic auth removed in ‘reset password’ section. (Thanks a tonne to David Broome for reporting this and pushing us to release this fix)
  • Improvement: No new update check within 10 secs of last try.
  • Fix: Multiple notifications of addon renewal during update.
  • Feature: Two-Factor authentication – Email and Duo Security as an addon.
  • Feature: Killing tasks in process queue.
  • Feature: Clearing Activity log & user-based activity log filtering.
  • Feature: SMTP Email Settings.
  • Feature: Forgot password.
  • Feature: In-app communication.
  • Improvement: New logo.
  • Improvement: Got an Idea? link changed.
  • Improvement: Cache clearing improved for update notification consistency.
  • Improvement: Updated user agent for WP calls.
  • Improvement: “appErrorLogs.txt” file old data removal.
  • Fix: Updates-related conflict with iThemes Security plugin and InfiniteWP.
  • Fix: Non UTF-8 characters breaking AJAX calls issue.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: New facebook and twitter icons.
  • Improvement: Client plugin update notification shows persistently in updates section, when update available.
  • Fix: Client plugin update data was saved in cookie and sometimes goes beyond 4KB, when browser restriction was applied.
  • Fix: Process queue’s expanded view jumping (scroll) when the data updates via ajax call.
  • Fix: Update notification mail going even no sites are added or present.
  • Fix: Update notification mail going with old data for a few sites (for those sites its not reloading data) it depends on cron timeout.
  • Improvement: Before copying files via non-direct filesystem, verify path is pointed to IWP directory or not.
  • Fix: Parent theme updates showing as child theme update.
  • Fix: Cache clear and reload data not working.
  • Fix: Using non index DB table column for search query, creating performance issues in cron job while sending update notification.
  • Fix: Bug in showing error msg when copy fails while updating/install addon or updating admin panel.
  • Fix: Says Direct file system while updating/installing addon or updating admin panel even when FTP file system is used.
  • Fix: On loading login page, cursor goes to email (focus).
  • Fix: In fileSystemBase.php, a prefix of the process was added to error messages.
  • Fix: Error message if (in_array($table[‘Engine’] , elseif ($table[‘Engine’], PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined index: Engine in /var/www/clients/client0/web69/web/wp-content/plugins/iwp-client/plugins/cleanup/cleanup.php on line 145.
  • Fix: Multi call issue report – History trigger data not coming if more than one site is backed up.
  • Improvement: Future client plugin beta version compatibility.
  • Fix: Last reload date below Reload Data button not changing issue.
  • Fix: Install a plugin/theme from Install > My Computer from panel having IP and different port number(InfiniteWP Client v1.3.11).
  • Fix: Install a plugin/theme from Install > My Computer from panel protected by basic http authentication(InfiniteWP Client v1.3.11).
  • Fix: Fixed showing WP version in Site-Hover Menu for non-enterprise addon panels.
  • Fix: Mac Design issue – In Mac Chrome browser, site selectors and process queue, design issues.
  • Fix: Showing Site-Hover Menu for panel having more sites is fixed.
  • Fix: Copy paste working weird in a few text boxes.
  • Fix: Updating settings in frontend, while setting basic authentication under security settings.
  • Fix: When non utf-8 content comes in ajax, it becomes empty due to json_encode.
  • Fix: Bug fixes
  • Fix: Security fix.
  • Fix: Favicon issue.
  • Fix: Broken sites won’t show client plugin update.
  • Fix: Multi-call backup keeps running issue.
  • Fix: IP login restriction issue fixed.
  • Fix: Minor security fixes.
  • Fix: SQL injection bug is fixed.
  • Fix: SQL error while cron is fixed.
  • Fix: Bug fixes for Enterprise Solution.
  • Fix: Bug fixes for Enterprise Solution.
  • Improvement: Support for cookie-based session instead of php-based session.
  • Improvement: Support for Enterprise Solution.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: After add site successful site not displaying in left panel issue for few users.
  • Fix: Site hover menu not appearing for few users.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: When updating from v2.3.2 / v2.3.3 via FTP, you will encounter a bug. See the solution here.
  • Fix: Frequent Update notification mail sent to some users.
  • Feature: Enhanced site hover menu with site overview.
  • Feature: Site-specific links and notes.
  • Feature: Maintenance mode with custom HTML.
  • Feature: Re-adding a disconnected site without losing backup schedules, links, notes etc
  • Feature: Color-coded WordPress site information when site is disconnected, in maintenance mode or when the client plugin has an update.
  • Feature: Settings page.
  • Feature: Set your own timezone and get mails based on that.
  • Feature: FTP details can be saved within settings (no need to edit config.php file).
  • Feature: Enabling HTTPS in settings (no need to edit config.php file).
  • Feature: WP site’s server info can be viewed.
  • Feature: Page titles for all page, now you will know which page you are working on.
  • Improvement: Simplified site adding process – One-click copy & paste.
  • Improvement: New addons compatibility
  • Improvement: Automatically try different content types while adding sites.
  • Fix: Double gzip of ajax call content issue.
  • Fix: Third party css and js URLs now support both http and https. Previously it will get http only.
  • Fix: Printing content in cron task, which sends unwanted email from host – Reintroduced bug; Fixed now.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: After updating panel, version number unchanged for a few users.
  • Feature: Update by group
  • Improvement: integration.
  • Improvement: New multi-call(beta) method for backup & upload (see more).
  • Improvement: Update notification cron support improved.
  • Improvement: Backup exclude options for file extentions.
  • Improvement: Backup exclude files by size.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: SFTP support added for app update and addons install/update.
  • Improvement: SFTP support added for Cloud backup and Install/Clone WordPress addons.
  • Improvement: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Open admin issue in certain https WP Dashboard.
  • Fix: Update page from and to version not appearing issue.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Updates disappearing issue.
  • Improvement: Update page now shows from and to versions (most wanted request in Google Moderator).
  • Improvement: Backup process will only backup WordPress tables which have configured prefix in wp-config.php.
  • Improvement: Support for Google Drive for cloud backup addon.
  • Improvement: Support for mo, po and docx extensions for file uploader.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: Task raw data older than 30 days will be deleted automatically. (This wont affect client reporting).
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: Support for new addons.
  • Improvement: Performance improvements for process queue.
  • Fix: URL with port while open admin not working issue fixed.
  • Fix: Addon update alert count now works in ajax.
  • Fix: Client plugin update popup version number – doesn’t show sometime is fixed.
  • Improvement: Anonymous data improved.
  • Improvement: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Folder protection bug while downloading the clone file is fixed.
  • Fix: Special characters problem in clone folder protected download link is fixed.
  • Fix: Cron will not give output, which will prevent host sending email with random codes like “MAX SIMLATANEOUS CALL”.
  • Fix: PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method panelRequestManager::handler() is fixed.
  • Fix: Login IP restriction IPs disappear issue fixed.
  • Fix: Addon removal due to invalid file_exists() functionality fixed.
  • Improvement: Beta Opt-in.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Old addons disappears when new addons are installed.
  • Fix: Install plugins/themes from My Favorites – “Download failed: A valid URL was not provided.” error.
  • Fix: Install plugin/themes from My Computer – A space in file name caused issues.
  • Improvement: Better feedback regarding completion of backups even in case of error with additional conditions.
  • Improvement: Backup restore and clone WP uses file system (better handling of file permissions).
  • Improvement: Better feedback regarding completion of backups even in case of error.
  • Improvement: Multiple site backups now executes one after the other.
  • Improvement: Not installed plugin/themes now installs the latest stable version by finding the version in WP repository.
  • Improvement: Password protected IWP admin panel update notification mail will not ask for password for image content in email.
  • Improvement: Favorites now installs the latest stable version by finding the version in WP repository.
  • Improvement: Addon interaction improvements.
  • Fix: No trigger in cron job if app uses fsock mode.
  • Fix: install plugin/theme using URL not working.
  • Fix: update notification mail collapse due to some premium plugin/theme.
  • Fix: Same filename used in plugin/theme update zip (old file uploaded file installs) issue.
  • Fix: After addon update still shows update count.
  • Fix: ug fixes.
  • Fix: Bug introduced in v2.1.2 that stalls the process queue.
  • Feature: Update by group
  • Improvement: All ‘Type to filter’ starts with 1 character.
  • Improvement: Favicon loading takes time for panels managing more sites(10+). We now load favicons after all app required files are loaded.
  • Improvement: Removed “/extend/” from links.
  • Improvement: Navigation tweak.
  • Improvement: filterParameters() used in app.php to filter $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET.
  • Improvement: Reduced bandwidth usage when app is idle.
  • Improvement: Client Plugin update dialog with version number and change log link.
  • Fix: fsock connection change notification.
  • Fix: WP repository search gets proper production version now. It was getting developement version in some cases.
  • Fix: APP Domain path when port is used, twice port is mentioned in the link.
  • Fix: When arg_separator.output set to “&s;” then open admin URL had with & instead of only &.
  • Fix: Left site panel, View backups “Restore” was not working.
  • Fix: Illegal string offset ‘page’.
  • Fix: cron.php now includes app.php with dirname(__FILE__), this will provide proper cron support.
  • Fix: “Yikes! It appears IWP plugin has not been installed in this site. Click here to Install it.” Install link bug when wp-admin in the URL.
  • Fix: clearUncompletedTask() now clears processingResponseDied tasks.
  • Fix: Backup list bug fixed.
  • Feature: New Navigation.
  • Feature: New addons compatibility.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Uncompleted proccess queue.
  • Fix: Email notification – False “Everything up to date” message.
  • Feature: Number of calls to WP sites set to ideal value.
  • Fix: Bugs fixed.
  • Improvement: Processing with Fsock mode improved.
  • Improvement: Overall performance improved.
  • Fix: Addons update bug fixed.
  • Fix: Bugs fixed.
  • Feature: Confirmation for restores and bulk updates.
  • Improvement: Old backups retained when a site is restored.
  • Improvement: Compatible with Better WP Security.
  • Improvement: Compatible with WPEngine.
  • Improvement: IP based calls have been improved.
  • Improvement: Max simultaneous calls from this server can now be set from 1.
  • Fix: Fixed bar for bulk actions.
  • Feature: More reliable update notification.
  • Fix: Gravity Forms addons update notification bug
  • Fix: Updates email notification – False “Everything is up-to-date”
  • Fix: Hide premium plugin / theme notification
  • Fix: Scheduled Backups stays pending
  • Fix: Bugs Fixed.
  • Feature: Add premium plugins and themes to My Favorites.
  • Improvement: Improved update mechanism (from next update).
  • Improvement: Old available backups displayed.
  • Improvement: Non-fsock mode performance improved.
  • Fix: Exclude / Include for backups fixed.
  • Fix: Bugs Fixed.
  • Improvement: Option for fail-safe Backups.
  • Improvement: Improved Backups.
  • Improvement: Improved connectivity.
  • Fix: Bugs fixed.
  • Feature: A ? Z Site ordering.
  • Feature: Premium addons released and support added.
  • Improvement: Site specific Reload data.
  • Improvement: Reload data progress.
  • Improvement: Last Reload data time.
  • Fix: Port issue fixed.
  • Feature: Responsively persistent website list.
  • Feature: HTTP authentication / Folder protection.
  • Feature: Run the app in synchronous mode.
  • Improvement: Edit WP site details.
  • Improvement: Clear cache before reloading data.
  • Improvement: Switch off data fetching for every page load.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Feature: Notifications implemented.
  • Feature: WP repo rating number added on hover.
  • Improvement: Default timeout increased to 180 seconds.
  • Improvement: Update mechanism improved.
  • Improvement: Browser compatibility improved.
  • Improvement: IE 8 & IE 9 support improved.
  • Fix: fsock bugs fixed.
  • Fix: Timezone error fixed.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Feature: Added a feature to check async support in Install.
  • Feature: WordPress MU compatibility.
  • Feature: Error Filtering.
  • Feature: View site response added – You can view the error response from your WP site in case of an error.
  • Feature: Added for subfolder crawling exclusion.
  • Improvement: Improved OpenSSL compatibility check.
  • Fix: WordPress Repository search – Searching certain plugin returned null.
  • Fix: All Websites group selector bug.
  • Fix: Select All doesn’t show Load plugins button.
  • Fix: WP Repository search Details link goes to author website.
  • Fix: iPad functionality issues.
  • Fix: Allow account access from specific IP was non-functional.
  • Fix: Time zone issue.
  • Improvement: HTTPS Support.
  • Improvement: Opened to public.
  • Fix: Numerous bugs fixed and features enhanced.


  • Improvement: File tree error messages improved.
  • Fix: Backups failed with gDrive ErrorOperation timed out after 100000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received error will be re-tried.
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 417 is fixed .
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 689 is fixed .
  • Fix: Translation updates not listed correctly on the updates page.
  • Improvement: Added an option to exclude Database tables on backup .
  • Improvement: Now, you can select the HTTP version while adding the site or under Edit site details. InfiniteWP admin panel will establish the connection using the specified HTTP version .
  • Improvement: Backup Retry mechanism improved .
  • Improvement: Now, All site related calls will go to wp-load.php by default .
  • Improvement: IWP now handles the gzipped format response from WordPress sites .
  • Improvement: CURL Referrer URL added in the header .
  • Improvement: User Agent updated .
  • Improvement: Debug chart added .
  • Improvement: Clone URL replacement mechanism improved .
  • Fix: On a few scenarios, Plugin files are deleted on WordPress sites while updating the plugin via IWP admin panel .
  • Fix: Clone content length detection method improved .
  • Fix: UTF 8 charset issue on same server staging .
  • Fix: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected “installedTime” (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in /home/public_html/xxxz/controllers/appFunctions.php on line 2489 is fixed .
  • Fix: Multiple cron runs, cause the scheduled tasks to run multiple times .
  • Feature: Support for Multisite Installations – Restore Individual Sites .
  • Feature: You can copy your Staging site to Live .
  • Feature: Notifications for WooCommerce DB updates .
  • Feature: You can apply Client Plugin Branding for individual sites .
  • Feature: SSH support for Backups, Staging, cloning and Panel Updates .
  • Feature: You can Encrypt your DB backups using the Phoenix backup method .
  • Feature: Backup InfiniteWP admin panel .
  • Improvement: By default, InfiniteWP History raw table will be truncated automatically for every 90 days .
  • Improvement: Raw history table is saved in gzip format .
  • Improvement: Added an option to add sites to all existing schedules while adding a new site and for existing sites, you can add the schedules under Edit site details .
  • Improvement: Now you can see the backup Schedule name on your Process queue and Activity Log .
  • Improvement: Some warning errors are suppressed
  • Fix: Update gets stuck in the queue while doing multiple updates at the same time.
  • Fix: Incorrect update data added to Client Reports while performing updates on multiple sites.
  • Fix: WP core version 4.9.6 update failed to complete with error “Transient mismatch ” .
  • Improvement: Plugin/Theme Updates will be performed sequentially i.e. One update at a time.
  • Improvement: Backups will be retired for error codes HTTP 524, 523.
  • Improvement: Clone controller folder permission changed from 777 to the default permission.
  • Improvement: IWP temp directory constant name changed .
  • Improvement: Four Line code will be automatically added to your IWP config file if any backup fails.
  • Improvement: Backups will be re-tried when it fails with cURL 28 and HTTP 524 error
  • Improvement: Auto cron task is enabled by default for Phoenix method backups
  • Improvement: Added a few more status checks under debug.php .
  • Fix: 403 error while updating the client plugin via URL.
  • Fix: Clone fails when you use phoenix backup with /wordpress as the root directory.
  • Fix: Calling Next Function failed error when Shell DB dump backup fails error.
  • Fix: Same server staging failed with error “Error extracting file missing archive file” if the site has less than 2000 files.
  • Improvement: New column added to the updates page to see the Translation updates count in the site view .
  • Improvement: If you have added your site FTP details under Edit site details, IWP will make use of those FTP credentials if the update failed due to any permission issue.
  • Improvement: Retry any failed tasks from your Process Queue or Activity Log .
  • Improvement: Added an option to Purge cache for certain cache plugins .
  • Improvement: You do not need to backup your site while doing the same server Staging .
  • Improvement: Show inactive plugins and themes on the left sites list .
  • Improvement: Sorted Schedule backup list alphabetically .
  • Improvement: Title removed from left sites list .
  • Fix: Favorite repo Plugins and themes install an older version .
  • Fix: Pagination disappears when “Hurray All Plugins are up-to-date” displayed .
  • Improvement: Now you can view the backup log on your panel anytime.
  • Fix: cURL 28 error while backing up the site using phoenix method.
  • Feature: New backup method introduced named Phoenix.
  • Improvement: Multicall method is implemented for Restore process.
  • Improvement: Introduced an option to add your site FTP details under Edit site details.
  • Improvement: Restore process uses FTP details if there are any permission issues.
  • Feature: Beta launch
  • Feature: WP Time Capsule support enabled
  • Fix: Any task performed while the panel is using cURL communication mode remains on Pending status indefinitely for specific users.
  • Improvement: cURL call triggers subsequent call in queue instead of waiting for AJAX call.
  • Improvement: Data load on process queue has been optimized.
  • Improvement: Overall load time across the Panel has been optimized.
  • Improvement: Manual clear cache is not required after switching from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Improvement: If a process queue call is in progress the subsequent call will not get triggered without receiving a response from previous call.
  • Improvement: SFTP library has been updated across the panel.
  • Improvement: Copy in CronTab has been updated to clipboard.js from flash.
  • Improvement: Clone is now more reliable
  • Improvement: All v2.10.3 changes are merged.
  • Fix: Renewal price showed wrongly for certain users
  • Feature: Introduced newer connection methods for communication between Admin Panel and Client Plugin.
  • Improvement: JSON communication implementation between Admin Panel and Client plugin has been completed.
  • Improvement: Existing backups are not listed automatically during the clone process.
  • Improvement: DB prefix changes and table insertion will happen in a single call during staging and cloning tasks.
  • Fix: The clone process takes into account the full SQL file as single variable causing memory limit issues.
  • Fix: The clone process would generate the error “Cannot open database file” during cloning.
  • Fix: The clone existing site option will not work for a Manager user if the staging addon is installed.
  • Fix: If a site has both translation and vulnerability updates, updating the site from the Vulnerability view will apply both the updates.
  • Improvement: Addon suite mini will no longer count the staging site as an individual site.
  • Improvement: Method used to change the URL of a cloned site has been changed.
  • Improvement: Group names are now sorted in the Alphabetical order.
  • Fix: If mod_sec rule was enabled, maintenance mode could not be activated.
  • Fix: File tree wouldn’t work in certain scenarios for FTPS and Passive mode for Staging and Cloning.
  • Fix: Selective Premium Theme and Plugin updates wouldn’t show in Plugins and Themes view.
  • Fix: The update for a plugin would not show if it is not available in the wpvulndb report, although in reality there is an update for the plugin.
  • Fix: Premium themes were not working as designed when cloning a website.
  • Fix: Cannot add foreign key constraint error has been fixed.
  • Fix: Deprecated: Non-static method panelRequestManager::checkDataIsValid() should not be called statically in /home/html/***/***/iwp/controllers/panelRequestManager.php on line 128 error has been fixed.
  • Fix: Site Updates hidden by the primary Admin user will not be shown for another Admin User.
  • Fix: Selective Premium Themes when hidden will show in the site view instead of Hidden view.
  • Feature: Site Errors when generated are filtered and shown in a new view.
  • Improvement: JSON communication between Admin Panel and Client plugin has been implemented.
  • Improvement: Pagination has been implemented for the Updates page.
  • Improvement: Load Plugins and Themes view has been improved.
  • Improvement: DB Password strength for Clone/Staging Autofill option via cPanel has been increased.
  • Fix: Lazy loading of favicons used to freeze up the panels with large number of sites.
  • Fix: While fetching favicons “PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on boolean in public_html/includes/favicon.php on line 181” would get populated.
  • Fix: The Clone/Staging Autofill option via cPanel would display the DB prefix incorrectly when the character count exceeds the default limit.
  • Fix: While staging or cloning a site “Could not read status file” error would be populated.
  • Fix: ‘Use Passive’ mode for Staging/Cloning would show incorrectly as selected in UI although it is deselected in DB.
  • Fix: ‘Use Passive’ was not functioning earlier for FTP update of IWP Panel, Staging and Cloning activities.
  • Fix: MySQL error is thrown when a manager selects backup under “Clone an existing site” when the staging addon is assigned to the manager.
  • Fix: Backup created via Install Clone Addon for Clone an Existing Site does not get auto selected on completion when using Multi-call backup method.
  • Improvement: All v2.8.1 changes are merged.
  • Improvement: Updating few tables to InnoDB from MyISAM for users signed up before (Second round).
  • Fix: While loading the panel, date_default_timezone_set set warning was displayed.
  • Fix: Unable to select ‘Do not use fsock’ and ‘Auto delete Activity Log History’ checkbox under Settings -> App tab.
  • Improvement: Reload only the Sites that you wish to – Group Reloading.
  • Improvement: Edit Site Names as per your convenience on the left Site List.
  • Improvement: UI changes to improve the overall appearance of the IWP Panel using Font Awesome.
  • Improvement: Updating few tables to InnoDB from MyISAM for users signed up before
  • Improvement: Split backup files can now be downloaded from inside the IWP Admin Panel. They had to be downloaded manually earlier.
  • Improvement: If there is a DB crash, the error will be shown to user upon loading the IWP Admin Panel. This was not shown to users earlier.
  • Improvement: Pop-up confirmation for all update actions related to IWP Panel and Addons.
  • Fix: Mod_sec rules would be blocking actions inside the IWP panel on the earlier versions.
  • Fix: Protocol redirect method has been modified to avoid redirect loop issue.
  • Fix: HTTPS value under Security tab would get altered when changes are made in the App tab under the IWP Admin Panel Settings restricting login access for the user.
  • Improvement: FTP/SFTP file tree now points to the default directory instead of /. Users can now browse the path by entering the value manually.
  • Improvement: Manual backups with no name specified will be displayed as “Manual backup” in the backup listing.
  • Improvement: Priority of download mechanism has now changed – first try curl then fsock. This helps with seamless Panel Updates and Addon Updates.
  • Improvement: Some warning errors are suppressed.
  • Fix: If the php.ini arg separator value was not an & symbol, then Open Admin in New Tab was not working.
  • Fix: If the file path is 192 characters or higher, it would throw a Zip error: unable to update the file list while performing multicall backup. (requires IWP Client plugin v1.6.0beta1.1).
  • Fix: Hidden updates count was not updating while performing reload data.
  • Improvement: Activity log filter for staging addon.
  • Improvement: Cron has been disabled for fetching updates and favicons for staging sites.
  • Improvement: Anonymous data for internal usage has been improvised.
  • Fix: Plugin count was not getting updated after ‘Reload Data’ task completes.
  • Fix: JS error freezes the whole panel. Introduced in v2.8.0.beta1 for people not having Enterprise Solution.
  • Feature: Activity log for updates and backups to be used in new version of client reporting beta will be saved and retrieved from the WP Admin instead of the IWP Admin Panel, provided the client reporting addon is active.
  • Improvement: Supports 2 new addons Staging and Vulnerability updates.
  • Improvement: The WP Updates page has a new design allowing users to filter updates.
  • Improvement: Support for JS and CSS loading has been optimized.
  • Improvement: When a WP update is performed on the IWP panel, the change will reflect when clicking on updates menu without having to perform a Reload data.
  • Improvement: Bulk selections are now possible under Manage => Plugins & Themes.
  • Improvement: The WP Updates page has an additional filter to show Hidden Updates.
  • Improvement: Only one backup process at a time for a site.
  • Improvement: The left site list now displays the version numbers of plugins and themes when hovering over the plugin or theme on the flyout panel.
  • Improvement: The UI for Process Queue and Activity log loading has been revamped.
  • Fix: Failed backups with date “01 Jan 1970” were shown in the IWP Panel UI.
  • Fix: The json_encode function was populating a php warning in the earlier version.
  • Fix: DB schema was not normalized between install package and update package.
  • Fix: Update mechanism used to generate SQL errors while updating from v2.4.0 to v2.7.0.
  • Fix: Favicon fetching now checks case insentive HTML.
  • Fix: Favicon storing in unexpected location while running in cron in certain cases.
  • Fix: XSS security exploit.
  • Improvement: All v2.6.1 changes are merged.
  • Improvement: Log auto delete info has been added in the UI.
  • Fix: Login logs older than 19 days were automatically deleted instead of 90 days.
  • Feature: Favorite plugins/themes can be grouped.
  • Feature: Plugin/theme ZIP files can now be uploaded to My Favorites.
  • Improvement: Login activities are now logged. You can view them from the Account settings.
  • Improvement: Compatibility with PHP7.
  • Improvement: 3 consecutive failed login attempts within a specific period will now trigger an email and a in-app notification.
  • Improvement: Better SQL injection fix implemented. The old one was creating a lot of problems with special characters.
  • Improvement: Fly-out menu in the left site list now shows site name for better context.
  • Improvement: Choosing MySQL or MySQLi extention is now automatic. SQL_DRIVER constant has been removed.
  • Fix: Favorites plugin/theme search collapse when favorites are selected.
  • Fix: Favorites search clear button (x) overflowed.
  • Fix: Favorites will not accept duplicates.
  • Feature: Auto retrying certain failed tasks – Reload Sites, Load plugins/themes, Install Plugins/Themes, plugins/themes/WP updates.
  • Feature: Multiple open admins.
  • Improvement: All v2.5.2 changes are merged.
  • Improvement: Favicon will be fetched by IWP Admin Panel instead of third party service.
  • Improvement: Beta welcome notice will be displayed after updating.
  • Improvement: Addon Suite Mini refund message added as per order date.
  • Improvement: Addon Suite Mini price label and “valid till” message enhanced on addons page as we followed in InfiniteWP website.
  • Fix: mysql_get_client_info() creating warning error in includes/dbDrivers/mysql.php.
  • Fix: Type to Filter sites is not working after coming back from group sites view.
  • Fix: clearUncompletedTask(), checkTriggerStatus() and checkBackupTasks() now called after addons loading. In rare cases, it was removing addons from the panel.
  • Fix: Reset password link was broken.
  • Improvement: Backup method improved. Backup process is now more reliable and uses less memory in Multi call method.
  • Improvement: Support for Cloud Backup addon’s new update.
  • Improvement: Support for upcoming features.
  • Improvement: Client plugin will support MySQLi by using wpdb class.
  • Improvement: Zip Archive implementation improved which will reduce timeout issues.
  • Improvement: All tables created by client plugin will use default DB engine.
  • Fix: IWP Backup DB table now uses WP’s charset (default UTF8). This will solve filename issues with foreign (umlaut) characters.
  • Fix: Temp files not getting deleted while using single call backup in certain cases.
  • Fix: Unable to update anything in WP sites for WP Engine users, bug introduced in beta4.
  • Fix: IWP client plugin update callout showing undefined no of sites for panel having unchecked reload data on page load.
  • Improvement: On selecting “Auto-delete log data older than” in settings a warning will be shown.
  • Improvement: SMTP setup help link is added.
  • Improvement: Cache clearing improved for update notification consistency.
  • Improvement: Updated user agent for WP calls.
  • Fix: Unable to login issue when previously clicked save changes without selecting any 2FA type in settings => security.
  • Fix: In certain cases, repeatedly asking to tweet.
  • Fix: Showing renewal alert 3 times at an instance.
  • Fix: In process queue it shows “getstats” instead of “Reload data from site” while running or on error, similarly few other cases.
  • Fix: Malware scanning showing infected for all the sites scan, bug introduced in 2.5.0beta1.
  • Fix: Certain calls stalled without getting timeout, resulted in tasks not getting executed after meeting the settings limit.
  • Fix: Lockout error message still showing (while refreshing) even after lockout period is over.
  • Fix: Design issue on Security Settings page, sample https link overflow.
  • Fix: Multi call backup in expanded process queue while running showing as “waiting for response”.
  • Fix: View site response in process queue showing http headers.
  • Fix: Shows two email notification forms while clicking on Setttings > Account and then clicking on email in header.
  • Fix: Random undefined error in js for variable current_history_detailed_scroll_position.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: Email two factor authentication reduced lockout period form 1hour to 15 mintues and shows remaining lock out period.
  • Fix: Improvement to “Updates-related conflict with iThemes Security plugin and InfiniteWP fix”.
  • Fix: Forgot password related security fix.
  • Fix: Activity log filter by user shows null for the first user(Enterprise), instead email is showed.
  • Fix: UI button issue is forgot password and 2FA email is fixed.
  • Improvement: Before copying files via non-direct filesystem, verify path is pointed to IWP directory or not.
  • Fix: Parent theme updates showing as child theme update.
  • Fix: Cache clear and reload data not working.
  • Fix: Using non index DB table column for search query, creating performance issues in cron job while sending update notification.
  • Fix: Bug in showing error msg when copy fails while updating/install addon or updating admin panel.
  • Fix: Says Direct file system while updating/installing addon or updating admin panel even when FTP file system is used.
  • Fix: On loading login page, cursor goes to email (focus).
  • Fix: In fileSystemBase.php, a prefix of the process was added to error messages.
  • Fix: Error message if (in_array($table[‘Engine’] , elseif ($table[‘Engine’], PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined index: Engine in /var/www/clients/client0/web69/web/wp-content/plugins/iwp-client/plugins/cleanup/cleanup.php on line 145.
  • Fix: Multi call issue report – History trigger data not coming if more than one site is backed up.
  • Feature: Two-Factor authentication – Email and Duo Security as an addon.
  • Feature: Killing tasks in process queue.
  • Feature: Clearing Activity log & user-based activity log filtering.
  • Feature: SMTP Email Settings.
  • Feature: Forgot password.
  • Feature: In-app communication.
  • Improvement: “appErrorLogs.txt” file old data removal.
  • Fix: Updates-related conflict with iThemes Security plugin and InfiniteWP.
  • Fix: Non UTF-8 characters breaking AJAX calls issue.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Feature: Enhanced site hover menu with site overview.
  • Feature: Site-specific links and notes.
  • Feature: Maintenance mode with custom HTML.
  • Feature: Re-adding a disconnected site without losing backup schedules, links, notes etc.
  • Feature: Color-coded WordPress site information when site is disconnected, in maintenance mode or when the client plugin has an update.
  • Feature: Settings page.
  • Feature: Set your own timezone and get mails based on that.
  • Feature: FTP details can be saved within settings (no need to edit config.php file).
  • Feature: Enabling HTTPS in settings (no need to edit config.php file).
  • Feature: WP site’s server info can be viewed.
  • Feature: Page titles for all page, now you will know which page you are working on.
  • Improvement: Simplified site adding process – One-click copy & paste.
  • Improvement: Automatically try different content types while adding sites.
  • Fix: Double gzip of ajax call content issue.
  • Fix: Third party css and js URLs now support both http and https. Previously it will get http only.
  • Fix: Printing content in cron task, which sends unwanted email from host – Reintroduced bug; Fixed now.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: New addons compatibility.
  • Fix: Repeated client plugin update dialog with undefined version issue.
  • Improvement: Support for cookie-based session instead of php-based session.
  • Improvement: Support for new upcoming addons.
  • Improvement: SFTP support added for app update and addons install/update.
  • Improvement: SFTP support added for Cloud backup and Install/Clone WordPress addons.
  • Improvement: Support for large sites backup with multi-parts.
  • Improvement: Exclude options for file extentions.
  • Improvement: Exclude files by size.
  • Fix: Open admin issue in certain https WP Dashboard.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Updates disappearing issue.
  • Improvement: Update page now shows from and to versions (most wanted request in Google Moderator).
  • Improvement: Backup process will only backup WordPress tables which have configured prefix in wp-config.php.
  • Improvement: Support for Google Drive for cloud backup addon.
  • Improvement: Support for mo, po and docx extensions for file uploader.
  • Fix: Multi-call limit reached issue.
  • Fix: Dropbox backup showing success but file doesn’t exists issue.
  • Fix: Small files to Amazon S3 shows wrongly stored in server issue.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: Task raw data older than 30 days will be deleted automatically. (This wont affect client reporting).
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: Support for new addons.
  • Fix: URL with port while open admin not working issue fixed.
  • Fix: Addon update alert count now works in ajax.
  • Fix: Client plugin update popup version number – doesn’t show sometime is fixed.
  • Improvement: Minor improvement.
  • Fix: Multi-call triggering many calls on net error.
  • Fix: Multi-call upper limit not working fixed.
  • Fix: Repeated client plugin update dialog issue fixed.
  • Improvement: Multi-call backup memory utilization and other improvements.
  • Fix: Backup issue in multi-site fixed.
  • Fix: SQL error while taking backup is fixed.
  • Fix: Schedule backup limit issue fixed.
  • Fix: Removing cloud backups issue fixed.
  • Fix: Restore from cloud backup issue fixed.
  • Fix: Two many ajax calls while backing up issue fixed.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Process Queue shows proper error message for failed backup instead of pending or empty response.
  • Fix: AS3 upload issue for multi-call backup issue for small backup size.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Improvement: Kill feature for multi-call backup.
  • Fix: Process Queue shows proper error message for failed backup instead of unknown error occurred.
  • Fix: Bug fixes.
  • Fix: Schedule backup multi-call option disabled issue.
  • Fix: Backup response handler conflict between single-call and multi-call fixed. Which created “empty response” error.
  • Fix: Setting “Save changes” button missing fixed.
  • Improvement: New multi-call method for backup & upload (see more)
  • Improvement: integration.
  • Improvement: Performance improvements for process queue.
  • Improvement: Update Notification cron support improved.