Update on the timeline of v3.0

I apologize for not being to keep you all updated. We had to pause our efforts on 3.0 and focus on 2.15 to make the base more stable so we can focus on this huge rewrite. The v2.15 updates have loads of micro and macro improvements which we felt was right to launch before we completely focus on v3.
You can check the changelog in which you can see that we had completed almost all of the most requested functionalities so far and, all the bugs squashed starting from updates, backups, Clone, Staging, Client Reporting, etc.,

Now, we just wanted to give you a quick update on what we’re doing with our new InfiniteWP admin panel version 3.0. We did hold the development work for the v3 temporarily for a few months as we had to shift our gear to v2.15. After the release of the IWP admin panel version 2.15.0beta, our developers are working full-fledged on the v3 admin panel updates.

We already laid the foundation by releasing the update for the base admin panel (on 21st June 2018), and it’s been slowly tested with a limited number of users. Now, we started building add-ons on top of the base admin panel which would be a straightforward chore.

The development work for the Install/Clone WP addon and support for other addons is completed. You can expect the v3 premium addon updates as displayed in the below timeline.

* We will be releasing the updates on the last week of every month.

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